Unregistered parks and gardens - Unregistered parks and gardens

Man-made landscapes form an integral part of the heritage of Bassetlaw and include some of its most important heritage assets. Whilst a few of the District’s historic landscapes are on the national register (and therefore receive a strong level of protection in the planning system), many significant landscapes and landscape features, of a variety of sizes, dates and functions, exist across the District. These are referred to as ‘unregistered park and gardens’, and are defined as:

Landscapes shaped by human activity which are not on the national register but are identified locally as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions, because of their heritage interest.

Many of these sites were originally identified on Nottinghamshire County Council’s Historic Environment Record (HER). In 2015 - 2017, the District Council’s Conservation Team has re-surveyed each of these sites. In addition, the Conservation Team has also identified and surveyed a number of new sites. As a result of the surveying, a total of 56 unregistered park and gardens have been identified in Bassetlaw District. The identification and surveying of these sites was carried out using a clear methodology approved by Planning Committee:

The results of this survey work are set out in the documents below, which comprise a ‘statement of significance’ for each individual site. Together with the methodology, these statements form part of the Council’s evidence base used to help better inform planning decision-making and wider plan-making. Please note that for planning purposes, where these sites contain heritage assets which are designated (e.g. Listed Buildings, Scheduled Ancient Monuments or are within Conservation Areas), the relevant policies for ‘designated heritage assets’ would apply and take precedence.

The geographic distribution of the 56 unregistered parks and gardens can be seen on the Council’s Bassetlaw Heritage Mapping web page.



Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024