Strategic Housing Links Together
Strategic Housing is the team responsible for focusing together those services within the council that contribute to the delivery of the Housing Strategy, to meet the future housing needs of Bassetlaw.
Enabling development of the right types of homes, in the areas they are needed, with the right options for households. For example 'market' and 'affordable' home-ownership and social rent, and the Custom & Self-Build Register.
Improving health by enforcing Housing Standards and supporting the most vulnerable to improve the energy efficiency of their homes.
Providing early intervention to prevent Homelessness, and supporting a robust Private Rented sector.
Working to ensure high quality council housing and estate management is delivered.
Focus and Strategy
Focus on Strategic Housing
We are at the forefront watching developments in the world of Housing, both nationally and locally. We use this information to advise the council on solutions for ensuring all services are prepared to respond to any statutory changes.
Housing Strategy
The team have completed a Draft Housing Strategy 2017-2020 which recognises and sets out how we will aim to respond to the demands of the market in Bassetlaw.
The key document which underpins the Draft Housing Strategy is the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) which identifies what types of housing are needed to meet the demands of the market today, and the anticipated demands for the future.
Last Updated on Thursday, March 27, 2025