Handy person and adaptation service (HPAS)

HPAS will provide “that little bit of help” to older and vulnerable people in Nottinghamshire. The type of jobs range from fitting handrails and half steps, to changing light bulbs, fitting door locks and putting up shelves. Often very small jobs such as fixing loose carpets or installing a handrail can prevent a fall and avoid unnecessary distress to an individual.

All traders are registered with the Buy with Confidence scheme.

Adaptations Available

Adaptations to your home may help you to remain living independently and safely in your own home, if you are over 60 or have a disability and live in the county of Nottinghamshire you are eligible to have any of the following pieces of equipment.

  • Grab rails
  • Stair rails
  • Half steps
  • Exterior handrails

There is a limit of £250 worth of equipment per household and this service will cost you £15.

Adaptations under this scheme are only available to people living in privately owned/rented and housing association properties. Council tenants needing minor adaptations should contact Bassetlaw District Council.

Who can have access to Handyperson Services?

Handyperson services are available to you if you are over 60 or have a disability and live in the county of Nottinghamshire, they are available regardless of home ownership.

This service will cost you £15.

Please note this service does not include gardening, decorating or any job that requires a specialist skill.

For further information contact Nottinghamshire County Council Customer Service Centre.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024