Code Section | Action | Do we follow the code? Yes / No | Explanations and Commentary |
1: Definition of a service request and complaint |
We recognise the difference between a service request and a complaint, and these are defined in our policies and procedures. |
Yes |
Definitions explained in the introduction section of the Complaints policy and procedure. |
2: Exclusions |
Our complaints policy sets out circumstances where we would not consider a complaint. These are reasonable and do not deny individuals access to redress. |
Yes |
These are listed in the ’Types of Complaints’ section of the complaints policy and procedure and explains why a complaint may fall outside scope. |
3: Accessibility and awareness |
We provide different channels through which individuals can make complaints. These are accessible and we can make reasonable adjustments where necessary |
Yes |
The different channels are explained in the ‘How do I make a complaint’? section of the complaints policy and procedure, plus website, posters in our public spaces, and also sign posted as part of any council surveys / consultations. |
4: Complaint handling resources |
We have designated, sufficient resource assigned to take responsibility for complaint handling. Complaints are viewed as a core service and resourced accordingly. |
Yes |
Council services have key complaint handlers/service managers for their respective service areas, complaints are overseen by the Heads of Service. Customer services also play a vital role, with overall oversight of complaint handling managed by the Office of the Chief Executive supported by the Monitoring Officer. |
5: The complaint handling process |
We have a single policy for dealing with complaints covered by the Code and individuals are given the option of raising a complaint where they express dissatisfaction that meets the definition of the complaint in our policy. |
Yes |
The complaints policy and procedure is aligned with the Code. Officers are routinely reminded of the policy objective and the importance of adhering to the Code, ensuring that customers are both aware of and are satisfied with the route being taken to address matters. |
6: Complaints stages (Stage 1) |
We process stage 1 complaints in line with timescales and processes set out in the Code. |
Yes |
The timescales of 10 working days for stage 1 complaints is embedded in the policy and procedure. Stage 1 complaints are also monitored monthly as a Performance Indicator reporting to Cabinet. All timescales targets are reported in the Annual Report. |
6: Complaints stages (Stage 2) |
We process stage 2 complaints in line with timescales and processes set out in the Code. |
Yes |
The timescale for stage 2 complaints is 20 working days which is embedded in the policy and procedure. The timescales and targets are reported in the Annual Report. |
7: Putting things right |
When something has gone wrong we take action to put things right. |
Yes |
The policy objective states “we will resolve matters satisfactorily at the earliest opportunity and deal with complaints fairly, professionally and proportionately”. |
8: Performance reporting and self-assessment |
We produce an annual complaints performance and service improvement report for scrutiny and challenge which includes a |
Yes |
The Annual Report has gone to Overview & Scrutiny Committee each September for a number of years. From 2025 it will go to Audit & Governance Committee with a copy of the self-assessment. |
9: Scrutiny & Oversight |
We have appropriate senior leadership and governance oversight of the complaints process and performance. |
Yes |
The complaint process and performance is managed by the Office of the Chief Executive supported by the Monitoring Officer (lead for Governance). Statistics and data are reported quarterly to Corporate Management Team and shared with Members Responsible for Complaints (MRC’s). Updates are also provided to the Corporate Governance Working Group (CGWG) by the Monitoring Officer. Plus reported to Committee as referenced above at point (8). |
Last Updated on Thursday, February 6, 2025