Other provisions

Assignments and Successions of a Tenancy

Bassetlaw District Council will consider all requests for assignments and successions of tenancies in accordance with the current statutory position.

Requests for assignments of tenancies and successions of tenancies will be granted in accordance with the Housing Act 1985 as amended.

Mutual Exchanges

Bassetlaw District Council will allow mutual exchanges in accordance with the Housing Act 1985 as amended.

Reviews of the Housing Register

Bassetlaw District Council will carry out reviews of the Housing Register.  Failure to respond to the review will result in the application being cancelled.

Applicants who have not responded to the review within 21 days will have their application cancelled, and their name removed from the Housing Register.  If applicants make contact within 1 month of the cancellation, and a renewal form returned, their application will be reinstated.

Review of the operation of the Lettings Policy 

Bassetlaw District Council will undertake periodic reviews of the Choice Based Lettings Policy.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024