Introduction and Overview


This is the Lettings Policy of Bassetlaw District Council.

This policy:

  • Ensures that properties are allocated fairly
  • Meets Bassetlaw District Council’s legal obligations
  • Allocates housing to people in need
  • Gives applicants choice and control over where they wish to live


The Choice Based Lettings Policy is based on five main principles:


Access to Bassetlaw District Council’s housing register is available for anyone aged 18 and over.  This is explained in section 2.

Lettings Bands 

Applicants with similar needs for housing are grouped into 1 of 6 Lettings Bands that are used for deciding who will get a new tenancy.  These are explained in section 4


Vacant properties are advertised openly so that anyone accepted onto the Housing Register can request the tenancy.  This is explained in section 5


Normally a new tenancy is offered to the applicant who is top of the list of applicants who have put their name forward for the property.  This is explained in section 5.


We will advertise the results of allocations of vacant properties on the Homefinder to allow applicants to make informed decisions and choices in the future.

Choice of Accommodation

Under Section 166A Housing Act 1996 (as amended by the Localism Act 2011) it is Bassetlaw District Council’s policy to allow applicants as wide a range of choice of accommodation as possible. 

Under Section 160ZA Housing Act 1996 (as amended by Localism Act 2011) Bassetlaw District Council has the power to determine what classes of person are not qualified to be allocated housing (these requirements are in addition to the provisions on eligibility in respect of persons from abroad)

It is the intention to advertise vacant properties to enable applicants to bid for any property in which they are eligible for.  This is explained in Section 3. 

In exceptional circumstances an applicant may have their choice of accommodation limited where this is not in the best interests of the applicant or the local community.  This is covered in section 6 (Exclusion and Suspension from the Housing Register and Other Restrictions).

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024