Cycling in Bassetlaw

Cycling Champion Role

Cllr John Shephard has been appointed Bassetlaw District Council’s (BDC) Cycling Champion

John says – ‘The Cycling Champion will work to promote cycling for all age groups across the District. I will work with councils (BDC and Notts County) and partners such as cycling groups and Sustrans, to help raise public awareness of cycling and develop opportunities to put cycling at the heart of the planning and design of the district’s communities - to create a healthier Bassetlaw for all.

I want families to be able to ride to parks, shops and school on safe and enjoyable routes. If we can get people to sometimes leave the car at home and walk or cycle, the result will be safer and quieter streets, cleaner air and a healthier population. There’s also the leisure / visitor economy – making Bassetlaw an attractive place for visitors, who want to cycle here, will create jobs.’

The council’s Local Plan process also aims to enable more safe cycling/walking routes (Active Travel solutions).

The role is unpaid and follows BDC’s 2020 Scrutiny Review into Cycling in Bassetlaw. The review made six recommendations, listed below, one of which was to appoint a Cycling Champion who will push for implementation of the review’s recommendations:

Overview & Scrutiny Cycling Review Recommendations 2020:

  1. The Council identifies a Cycling Champion who will promote cycling in Bassetlaw.
  1. Officers engage with D2N2 through Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) meetings to secure cycling and walking benefits specifically for Bassetlaw.
  1. Through the Local Plan process make provision for cycling and walking infrastructure in new developments (through Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy).
  1. Undertake an appraisal to identify gaps in the cycle network (including cycle parking) to be informed by the local community, and Local Plan evidence, plus an action plan for the future.
  1. To review cycling provision and cycle storage in Bassetlaw’s parks and Council headquarters to maximize their usage.
  1. To work with Nottinghamshire County Council to produce a workplace travel plan, including wider assessment of facilities at all Council sites to encourage cycling and walking by employees, Elected Members and visitors.

Cycling Tips for Beginners

  • Keep your tyres pumped up. This will make cycling easier and reduce your chances of getting a puncture.
  • Regularly oil the chain and wipe off surplus oil.
  • Get the bike serviced regularly at a bike shop.
  • Bike fit – get a bike shop to check this is correct, including saddle height and frame size.
  • Carrying a puncture repair kit (inner tube, Allen key, tyre levers and pump) on you at all times is highly recommended. Search YouTube videos for help on how to repair a puncture and any other maintenance issues.
  • Fit mudguards - especially when cycling to work.
  • For long bike rides, make sure you keep yourself fuelled and hydrated. Energy bars, cake, sweets and bananas - these are all great sources of energy for long rides and will keep you feeling energised.

Community Groups

Cycling Safety Tips

  1. Obey traffic lights and signs
  2. Wear a helmet
  3. Be aware of slippery surfaces when wet
  4. Look and signal to show drivers what you plan to do
  5. Wear reflective clothing at night and always have a bike light

Highway Code Changes 2022

Rule H1: New hierarchy of road users

‘Cyclists have a responsibility to reduce danger to pedestrians. HGVs, LGVs, cars, taxis and motorcyclists bear the greatest responsibility to take care and reduce the danger to others.’

Rule H2: New priority for pedestrians at junctions

‘At a junction, cyclists should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross a road into which or from you are turning.’

Favourite Cycling Route

National Cycle Network Route 6

From Worksop Town Centre to Clumber Park via Bracebridge Canal towpath and A57 footbridge. Route 6 carries on to Nottingham and further south - it’s part of a network of quiet or traffic free routes covering the whole country, maintained and developed by Sustrans, the sustainable transport charity.

John enjoys the views on the Clumber Park trail and stops for a coffee in Hardwick before his return to Worksop.

“I want families to be able to ride to parks, shops and school on safe and enjoyable routes. If we can get people to sometimes leave the car at home and walk or cycle, the result will be safer and quieter streets, cleaner air and a healthier population. There’s also the leisure / visitor economy – making Bassetlaw an attractive place for visitors, who want to cycle here, will create jobs.” - Cllr John Shephard, Cycling Champion.

Advice and tips for beginners

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024