Sports events - Nordic walking

Originally a summer training regime for cross-country skiers Nordic Walking is an enhancement of your natural walking posture. Using specially designed walking poles, similar to ski poles, the Nordic Walking technique makes something we do naturally, twice as effective by engaging 90% of your major muscles! The poles help to engage the core, to work the arms and also propel you forward to walk quicker!

Nordic Walking is a physical activity that is suitable for all, irrespective of age, gender or physical condition. It is a safe, natural, dynamic, efficient and a suitable-for-all form of physical exercise that trains the body in a holistic, symmetrical and balanced way.

The health benefits of Nordic walking include: improved posture and muscle tone, it is great for the heart and lungs, ideal for neck, shoulder and back problems, reduces pressure on the knee joints and can help free up stiff joints. Other benefits include the feel-good factor from combining activity with fresh air, social wellbeing as you can meet new friends as you chat along the way, and it can be done anywhere!

I have been Nordic walking for two years and have felt many of the benefits listed above. Having recently qualified to instruct I am very excited to be able to teach the technique to other people. As Sherwood Nordic Walking I am offering FREE TASTER SESSIONS, followed by learn-to-walk courses, and regular local workout walks of approximately 3 miles. Poles will be provided at the right height, as the correct length is essential in order to propel you along with the full and correct technique.

You can follow me on Facebook or Twitter, or contact me by email me with any questions. I will be posting taster session dates and venues on my website and on my social media with details on how to book.

I look forward to sharing my passion for Nordic Walking with anyone who would like to give it a go!


FB: Sherwood Nordic Walking






Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024