SAND sports club - How much are the sessions?

S.A.N.D. at Worksop College, first session is free then a voluntary donation of £4.00 for each session. (Term Time only)

Play With A Purpose Swimming Lessons

The Play with a purpose SAND swimming lessons at Bircotes Leisure Centre is facilitated by B.P.L (Barnsley Premiership leisure) on a Thursday evening 6:00pm- 6:40pm beginners, 6:45pm-7:30pm intermediate lane swimming.

Contact Jo Hinton for further information. Email: or tel: 01302 743979 option 2 for further information.


SANDance contemporary dance and choreography is a new project funded by Inspire Youth Arts Nottinghamshire and takes place at Outwood Academy Valley school Worksop on a Wednesday evening 6.00pm -7.30pm, (Term time only). These sessions are free to attend.

Contact Sali Gresham for further information. Email:



Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024