High hedges - Common questions about hedges

Q. Are hedges in the countryside protected

A. Some hedges within the countryside can be classed as being of historical or ecological interest and permission is required for their removal.

Q. Are hedges within urban areas protected

A. Hedges within urban areas, which includes gardens, are not protected. A Tree Preservation Order can, however, cover certain trees within hedges.

Q. How can I find out whether my hedge is an ancient hedgerow

A. Please Contact Us explaining the situation. A request for information will be submitted to the County Archaeologist on your behalf.

Q. Can the Council become involved in a neighbour dispute

A. Involving the Council should be a last resort. If the dispute is over private land then there is little the Council can do until a number of procedures have been followed. The Council will send out a booklet to both sides involved in the dispute and will request evidence that the procedures have been undertaken.

If the disputed hedge is situated on Council owned land then the concerned persons can formally complain to the Council about the problem. This will mean completing a complaint form.

Q. What should I do before I contact the Council

A. Before you contact the Council, you should have tried the following:

  • Have a quiet word with your neighbour about your concerns
  • Follow this by sitting down with them so that you can get a better understanding of each other’s concerns and to reach a satisfactory solution.
  • If this does not work, invite them to talk to independent mediators who can help you find the way forward.
  • If you and your neighbour are not talking to one another then send a polite letter. It won’t be enough to say that your neighbour is not approachable.  

Q. Do I have to pay the Council to consider my complaint? If so, how much?

A. Yes. Complaint forms submitted will be subject to a charge of £463.00. There are, however, possible reductions for people who are on low incomes and benefits.

Q. How long do I have to wait for the Council to decide my complaint?  

A. There is no set deadline for the Council to decide your complaint. Remember, it will take time for them to get a statement from your neighbour and to arrange to visit the site. The Council will make a decision on any High Hedge application within 8 weeks of the pre-arranged site visit.



Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024