Know your Place: Clayworth


Know your Place is part of a new initiative, aimed at encouraging better understanding of the local area and the identification of a set of local priorities. The work is intended to provide interesting and useful information in a general sense, but may also provide the foundations for developing outcomes such as a neighbourhood plan or a neighbourhood priorities statement.  The project involves a range of face-to-face and digital engagement opportunities, designed to encourage curiosity and discussion. 

View more information about the Know your Place initiative.


Know Your Place: Clayworth logo.


Feedback (August - September 2024)

Following the community events held in Clayworth in March 2024, all of the response data has now been compiled into a feedback report, intended as a means to assist thoughts as to what happens next.

The contents of the Feedback Report are helping to inform development of a potential Clayworth Neighbourhood Plan.




Last Updated on Monday, January 13, 2025