Introducing Know your Place

Know your Place is about encouraging curiosity in what makes your local area unique. Through sharing a range of maps and place-based data, it aims to encourage discussion, build understanding, and to assist communities to start to bring together a list of local priorities. The idea is that with local priorities identified, the community, Council, and other service providers can then work together to consider how these key issues could be managed or planned for. 
Know your Place forms part of a national pilot project that Bassetlaw District Council has been involved in, aimed at exploring new ways to support community-led planning. Know your Place has been designed so that it can both bring together interesting information about local communities, but also potentially contribute to the evidence base needed to develop a neighbourhood plan. 
To help start the conversation, we have brought together a range of maps, including data held by the District Council and by external parties, and provided helpful guidance as to some of the features of each website. 
In Detail: Simpler Approach to Neighbourhood Planning Pilot
Know your Place emerged from the District Council's involvement in a pilot, initiated by the UK Government's Department for Levelling-Up, Housing, and Communities (DLUHC), to explore how a new, simpler approach to neighbourhood planning might be delivered.
The pilot aligns with the proposed introduction of neighbourhood priorities statements, a new form of planning document addressed in the 2022 Levelling-Up and Regeneration Bill (Schedule 7, Part 15K, Page 262). The idea is that a neighbourhood priorities statement, quicker and easier to develop than a full neighbourhood plan, could be considered by local authorities when developing or reviewing their local plan (i.e. the plan for the District), and could also inform the delivery of other public services, not solely related to land use planning. 
Bassetlaw is one of seven local planning authorities involved in the pilot, with each approaching it in their own way. The Bassetlaw pilot has focused on ways to assist communities to better understand their local area. The aim is that, through better understanding, the community will be in a stronger position to consider if and how the area should be managed going forward – including the decision whether to develop a full neighbourhood plan. This approach can be summarised as understanding first, followed by management as required. The District Council’s proposition is that this strategy could be an effective way to re-frame the development of all neighbourhood plans. 

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024