Planning Committee

  • Bassetlaw District Council have appointed 12 Planning Committee Members to decide on Planning Applications.
  • The Head of Regeneration has delegated powers to decide simple and non-controversial items as set out in the Council's Constitution.
  • Planning Committee is scheduled to meet every four weeks.  Planning Committee normally starts at 6:30pm and meetings are held alternatively at Worksop and Retford.
  • Meeting Reports & Agendas are available five days before the meeting. The minutes of decisions taken at this meeting will be included in the papers for following meeting.
  • You may be eligible to Speak at a Planning Committee.

Related Information

Before the meeting, Members go to those sites, which they consider they need to visit to clarify applications - neither applicants nor objectors attend.

The Planning Committee normally starts at 6.30pm. The agreed "standing orders" for Council committees control who can speak, on what subject and for how long.

Members are sitting in judgment on applications. If they have a financial or other interest that prevents them considering the evidence with an open mind, they must declare and "interest" and leave the meeting for that item. These interests are declared at the start of the meeting. A member of the committee cannot speak on behalf of an individual group, then take part in the vote on that item.

Applicants and agents, together with objectors, supporters and representatives of Parish Councils who have commented in writing on applications may speak for three minutes at Planning Committee, only one objector and one supporter would be allowed to speak. If more than one person wishes to speak, they must agree a spokesperson.

Usually decisions are taken with a "show of hands" vote. However, if Members take a decision against the advice of their Officers, the vote of each individual Member is recorded, and they give the reasons for their decision.

The applicant has a legal Right of Appeal against that Committee's decisions. Objectors or members of the public have no Right of Appeal. However, they can use the Council's own Complaints Procedure, if they consider that there has been "maladministration".

If you have any questions or comments on the procedures or business of the Planning Committee, please Contact Us either before or after the meeting.

If you require the information in a different format, we can arrange for key documents to be provided in large print, braille, on tape or in languages other than English. A loop system is provided for those wishing to use it.

Last Updated on Tuesday, February 4, 2025