Planning applications



Bassetlaw District Council is committed to extending public involvement in the planning process. The council currently consults local residents and commercial enterprises on planning applications by individual consultation letter. The placing of a notice on site and local press advertisement is undertaken for some applications. Any comments received on planning grounds are then taken into account when dealing with planning applications. ​

The Council decides many of the less contentious planning applications by powers delegated to the Head of Regeneration. The more complex applications are reported to Planning Committee, which meets every 4 weeks, alternating between Worksop and Retford. The Council provides an opportunity for the public to speak on those applications determined by the Planning Committee. Some applications where the District Council is a consultee may also be reported to the Planning Committee.

This leaflet explains the issues and procedures, which you need to be aware of if you wish to speak to the Planning Committee.

Who can speak?

Ward Members and Members of Nottinghamshire County Council within whose County division the application site is located. In addition, applicants or agents, together with objectors, supporters, representatives of Parish Councils who have commented in writing on applications not less than ten working days before the Committee meeting can speak. Only one objector and one supporter will be allowed to speak. If more than one person wishes to speak, either as an objector or supporter, they must agree a spokesperson. Given the late representations sometimes received by Ward and County Councillors, Ward Members and County Councillors will, at the discretion of the Chair, be allowed to speak without making prior representation.

Time periods for speaking will be as follows:

  • Parish Councils – 3 minutes;
  • A representative of a Neighbourhood Plan Group where the Neighbourhood Plan has Planning Weight (see later section for how this is determined) - 3 minutes; 
  • An individual objector or supporter or a spokesperson for objectors or supporters - 3 minutes; 
  • (Non-Planning Committee) Ward Members (this includes the opportunity for all Ward Members to speak where this is more than one) - 3 minutes; 
  • County Councillor - 3 minutes;
  • Applicant/Agent - 3 minutes. 

Who can I speak about?

The Council can only consider “material considerations” when deciding planning applications. Examples of these are planning policies in the National Planning Policy Framework, the Bassetlaw Local Plan, government advice and policy, the impact on residential amenity, highway safety and traffic, noise and disturbance, smell, design and external appearance, the impact on Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas and trees, etc.

Arrangements for speaking at the meeting

Following the agreement of the Chair of Planning Committee, the Committee agenda is published on the Council’s website, a minimum of a week prior to Planning Committee. Notification letters of the committee date will be issued to commenting parties no later than 24 hours of the online publication The Council recognises this is a short timeframe for notification and would recommend all interested parties check the website for the latest information. Any person wishing to speak, must complete the online form by no later than the close of business one day before the meeting. (This will normally be Tuesday 5pm for a Wednesday 6:30pm meeting).

Planning Committee meets on a four weekly cycle, normally on Wednesdays at 6:30pm (alternatively at Worksop and Retford). You should arrive by 6:15pm and contact the Democratic Services Officer.

Protocol for speaking at the committee

The sequence of speakers will be as follows:

The Planning Officer will add any further information relevant to the application and the report.

The Chair of the Committee will call upon a representative of the Parish Council (if applicable) to come forward to speak.

The Chair will call upon a representative of the Neighbourhood Planning Group. (where the Neighbourhood Plan has planning weight).

The Chair will call upon one person representing all objectors to come forward to speak.

Any Non-Planning Committee Ward Member will make representations on cases affecting their Ward.

Any County Councillor will have opportunity to speak.

The Chair will call upon the applicant/ who would normally respond to objections rather than promoting the proposal.

The Planning Officer may comment on any factual matters raised by the speakers if called upon by the Chair.

Members will then debate the application/ask questions of officers, view plans etc, in the usual way and reach a decision without further public involvement.

In the event that the Planning Committee has heard public speakers but does not make a decision and defers the application to be reconsidered at a future meeting (including for a site visit), further public speaking will not normally be permitted.

When items are identified for a site visit at the beginning of the meeting, consideration of that application will be deferred until the next Planning Committee. The Chair will ask the public speakers if they wish to defer speaking until the next meeting when the application will be considered or if they wish to be heard that evening, in which case they will not be permitted to speak again at the Committee when the application is to be considered.

Points of detail

The Council values the ambition of local decision-making and as such considers it prudent to allow the Neighbourhood Forums the opportunity to speak about the policies in their Plan at the Planning Committee meeting. However, this will only apply where a Neighbourhood Plan has material weight in decision-making. The chart below gives an indication of when the Plan is attributed with material Planning weight. For the purposes of clarification, a speaker will be allowed where the Plan has can be regarded as being a material consideration, i.e. Stage 3 onwards as shown in the chart below.

Stage 1:Destination Stage 2: Consultation and Evidence Stage 3: Draft Plan Stage 4: Submission Stage 5: Examination Stage 6: Referendum /Made
No weight can be applied

Material Consideration: Clear indication of community support and intentions Significant Weight: Meets legal regulations Full Weight

Speakers will not be allowed to circulate or introduce written material or photographs.

Cross-examination of speakers will not be permitted. At the discretion of the Chair, a speaker may be recalled to answer a query raised by Members for the purposes of clarity. Speakers will not be allowed to ask questions or join in the debate, or reply to comments made by others.

The time period of 3 minutes will be strictly enforced.

The Chair has the right to restrict public speaking at their discretion.

No audio or visual recordings shall be made of any part of the Planning Committee proceedings without the prior permission of the Chair.

The Chair has the authority to stop the meeting if there is any disruptive behaviour.

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Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024