How to comment on planning applications - Planning conditions

Planning Conditions

For the majority of planning permissions, conditions are imposed to mitigate any potential negative impact on matters such as local amenity, character, appearance, design, highway safety, etc. When commenting on an application, you may wish to suggest potential conditions (such as the type of roofing material, brick type or fencing colour). Whilst we will consider any such suggestions, it may not be possible to impose certain conditions if they are considered unreasonable or duplicate other legislation.

How to Comment

To comment on an application, please Contact Us. Please include the following information in your correspondence:

  • Application reference number
  • Application address/site
  • Case officer’s name
  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your contact telephone number and/or email address

Anonymous comments will not normally be taken into account. The planning file is a public file, so your comments will be available for viewing by the public. Should you not wish to have your name included in the process, please contact your Local Councillor who will make comments on your behalf in his or her name. If you are providing us with information about someone else, please make sure you have their permission before sending it to us.

Comments will be available to view on the Public Access web pages of this website. As representations on planning applications form part of the Statutory Register we will publish the sender's name and address but will blank out signatures, email addresses, telephone and mobile numbers before documents are published online.

Comments should be received before the stated deadline. If the application is considered by the Council’s Planning Consultation Group or Planning Committee, the contents of your letter or email will be summarised in the case officer’s report. If your comments are received after the stated deadline, they may not be considered by the council when determining the application.

Decisions on planning applications will be based mainly on the policies contained in the Development Plan. In Bassetlaw, the Development Plan comprises the Bassetlaw Core Strategy and Development Management Policies DPD, supported by Supplementary Planning Documents, and any adopted Neighbourhood Plans in the district. Central Government policies in the form of the National Planning Policy Framework and National Planning Policy Guidance also inform our decision-making.



Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024