What is a listed building? - What is a listed building?

Listed Buildings are buildings and structures defined by the Secretary of State as being of “special architectural or historic interest”. They include buildings and structures that are deemed to be of importance on a national scale. However, not all listed buildings are grand or attractive – sometimes architectural or historic significance may take precedence over visual qualities, and even fairly small structures such as milestones and water pumps may be listed.

Listed building grades

There are 3 grades of listing:

  • Grade I – of exceptional interest
  • Grade II* (commonly referred to as “grade two-star”) - of particular importance and containing outstanding features.
  • Grade II – of special interest which warrants every effort to preserve them.

Criteria for a listed building

The main criteria used for selecting buildings for listing are:

  • architectural interest: all buildings which are nationally important for the interest of their architectural design, decoration and craftsmanship; also important examples of particular building types and techniques, and significant plan forms
  • historic interest: this includes buildings which illustrate important aspects of the nation's social, economic, cultural or military history.
  • close historical association: with nationally important buildings or events.
  • group value: especially where buildings comprise an important architectural or historic unity or are a fine example of planning (such as squares, terraces and model villages).

Generally the following types of buildings qualify for listing:

  • All buildings before 1700 which survive in anything like their original condition.
  • Most buildings between 1700 and 1840, though selection is necessary
  • Buildings between 1840 and 1914 of definite quality and character (including principal works of principal architects)
  • Important post-war buildings more than thirty years old and selected buildings of high quality between 1914 and 1939.





Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024