What is a conservation area?

A conservation area as defined by the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 is an area of special architectural or historic interest the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.’

Conservation areas were first introduced with the Civic Amenities Act in 1967 which gave local authorities the power to designate conservation areas in the district. Since 1967 Bassetlaw District Council has designated 33 conservation areas.

The Council is undertaking a review of all our Conservation Areas and producing...

  • Boundary Information
  • Additional Information
  • Leaflets
  • Designation Statements
  • Appraisals

These documents give an overview of the history and development of the conservation areas and define what it is that make them special.

Once a conservation area is designated the district planning authority has a duty to preserve and enhance their character.

Within a Conservation Area, there are a number of works/alterations which will require planning permission. These include the demolition of buildings and certain types of minor development, such as the rendering/cladding of a building or the installation of satellite dishes. In addition, protection is afforded to trees within a Conservation Area.

These controls are intended to assist in the preservation and enhancement of a conservation area. They are not intended to stifle development, but are there to ensure that development and change is managed in a sensitive manner that respects the character of the area.

For more detailed information on the effects of designation for householders, please read

For design guidance in conservation areas, please read


Article 4 Directions

Under the Town and Country Planning Acts, a number of minor alterations to buildings are deemed to have been given planning consent by the Secretary of State. This ‘permitted development’, as set out in the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015, allows work to be undertaken without planning permission.

This would normally include household developments such as the replacement of windows and doors and the construction of extensions (including conservatories, garages and porches), in addition to other works such as the installation of solar panels and alterations to boundary walls/fences. Within Conservation Areas, an Article 4(1) Direction can remove some or all of these permitted development rights.

For details of the Article 4(1) Directions in Bassetlaw, please see our Article 4 Directions page.

Application Forms

The submission of planning applications electronically will continue to be hosted by the Planning Portal. Bassetlaw District Council actively encourages the submission of Planning Applications using the electronic method, this means you only need to complete one set of forms and there are no printing or postage costs.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024