White Hart House direction notice

Town And Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (As Amended)

Direction Made Under Article 4(1) to Which Paragraphs 1(9), 1(10), 2(6) & 2(7) Of Schedule 3 Applies

Bassetlaw District Council (White Hart House, High Street, Gringley On The Hill) Article 4(1) Direction – 3rd November 2022

Whereas the Council of the District of Bassetlaw (hereafter called the “the Council”) being the appropriate Local Planning Authority within the meaning of Article 4 and Schedule 3 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as amended (hereinafter called “the order”), are satisfied that it is expedient that development of the descriptions set out in the Schedule below should not be carried out on the land shown edged red and buildings coloured red on the attached plan unless permission is granted on an application made under Part III of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

And Whereas the Council considers that development of the said descriptions would constitute a threat to the amenities of the area.

Now therefore the said Council in pursuance of the power conferred on them by Article 4(1) of the Order hereby direct that the permission granted by Article 3 of the said Order shall not apply to development on the said land of the descriptions set out in the Schedule below.

This Direction was made on 5th May 2022 under Paragraph 2(1) (a) of Schedule 3 (Article 4 (1)) of the said Order and a six weeks consultation period followed. In accordance with Paragraphs 2(6), 2(7), 1(9) and 1(1) of Schedule 3 of the Order, the Council confirmed the Article 4(1) Direction on 3rd November 2022.


Development to which the Direction shall apply (specified by reference to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended):

Schedule 2, Part 1 - Development within the curtilage of a dwelling house

  1. The enlargement, improvement or other alteration of a dwelling house (including the replacement of windows and doors), being development comprised within Part 1, Class A of Schedule 2 to the said order (as amended) and not being development comprised within any other class, where any part of the enlargement, improvement or other alteration would be on a principle elevation fronting a relevant location* or on a side elevation;
  1. Any other alteration to the roof of a dwelling house (including the replacement of roof tiles), being development comprised within Part 1, Class C of Schedule 2 of the said order and not being development within any other class, where the part of the roof affected would be on a principle slope facing a relevant location or on any side-facing slope;
  1. The erection or construction of a porch outside any external door of a dwelling house being development comprised within Part 1, Class D of Schedule 2 of the said Order and not being development comprised within any other class, where the porch would be on a principle elevation fronting a relevant location or on a side elevation;
  1. The alteration or removal of a chimney on a dwelling house (including the outbuilding) being development comprised within Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the said Order and not being development comprised within any other part.

Schedule 2, Part 2 – Minor Operations

  1. The erection, construction or alteration of a gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure, being development comprised within Part 2, Class A of Schedule 2 of the Order, and not being development comprised within any other Class, where the gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure would be within the curtilage of a dwelling house and would front a relevant location.
  1. The painting of the exterior of any principal building’s masonry, being development comprised within Part 2, Class C of Schedule 2 of the said Order and not being development comprised within any other class, where the part of the building would be on a principle elevation fronting a relevant location or on a side elevation.

Schedule 2, Part 11 – Heritage and Demolition

  1. Any building operation consisting of the demolition of a building which is coloured red on the attached map, being development comprised within Part 11, Class B of Schedule 2 of the Order, and not being development comprised within any other Class.

* ”Relevant location” means a highway, waterway or open space.

Made under the Common Seal of the Council of the District of Bassetlaw.

Executed as a Deed by Affixing

The Common Seal of Bassetlaw District Council

In the presence of:

S. Wormald

(Solicitor to the Council)

Dated 3rd November 2022

Confirmed ‘White Hart House, High Street, Gringley on the Hill’ Article 4(1) Direction Map

White Hart House Map

Last Updated on Wednesday, July 10, 2024