Article 4 directions

Under the Town and Country Planning Acts, a number of minor alterations to buildings are deemed to have been given planning consent by the Secretary of State. This ‘permitted development’, as set out in the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015, allows work to be undertaken without planning permission.

This would normally include household developments such as the replacement of windows and doors and the construction of extensions (including conservatories, garages and porches), in addition to other works such as the installation of solar panels and alterations to boundary walls/fences. An Article 4 Direction removes some or all of these permitted development rights.

Please note that the demolition of certain unlisted buildings outside of Conservation Areas may also be permitted development and an Article 4 Direction could be made to remove this.

How are owners affected?

Owners or occupiers will require Planning Permission for alterations to those parts of a building covered by the Article 4 Direction. Failure to obtain Planning Permission for such alterations may result in enforcement action being taken by the Council. June 2022 – Due to recent changes in Government legislation, a fee is now likely to be required for planning applications of this type.

The aims of an Article 4 Direction are to:

  1. Protect the historic architectural features of buildings within the affected area; and
  2. Seek the enhancement of the affected area where changes are proposed, by restricting unsympathetic architectural changes and encouraging the reintroduction of traditional features. 

What types of historic architectural features do Article 4(1) Directions aim to protect?

The first aim of an Article 4 Direction is to protect those architectural features which could ordinarily be altered or removed without the need for Planning Permission. Of these features, windows and doors are the most vulnerable to such change. Boundary walls/fences/railings/gates, rainwater goods, roof materials, chimneys and other types of joinery and ironwork (such as bargeboards, finials and brackets) are also at significant risk.


What will be expected of new development/alterations?

The second aim of an Article 4 Direction is to seek the enhancement of the affected area, by restricting unsympathetic changes to buildings (such as the introduction of PVC-u windows) and encouraging the use of traditional architectural features and materials.

Article 4(1) Directions in Bassetlaw

Currently there are two Conservation Area Article 4 Direction in Bassetlaw:

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024