Bassetlaw heritage mapping
Geographic information on the District's built heritage.
Listed buildings
Information regarding listed buildings or structures within Bassetlaw.
Conservation areas
Information about the conservation areas within Bassetlaw and regulations and forms required
Guidance and useful links
Information including Heritage Impact Assessments and Historic Buildings and Building Regulations
Non designated heritage assets
Information on Non-designated Heritage Assets within the district of Bassetlaw
Scheduled ancient monuments
What is classed as a scheduled ancient monument and where you can find them in Bassetlaw.
Registered parks and gardens
Information about the Historic Parks and Gardens within the district of Bassetlaw
Unregistered parks and gardens
Information about unregistered parks and gardens.
Archaeology information
Information about Archaeology within the district of Bassetlaw
War memorials
Information about the outdoor War Memorials in Bassetlaw.
Townscape Heritage Scheme
Bridge Street's historic building stock benefiting from conservation and restoration thanks to Heritage Lottery Fund
Heritage at Risk
Bassetlaw’s adopted heritage at risk strategy and updated register
Contact the Conservation and Heritage Team
Contact details for the Council's Conservation and Heritage Team.