District council infrastructure funding statements

The latest Government Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations came into force on 1 September 2019 and introduced the requirement for the Council to publish an Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) annually by 31 December.

Infrastructure funding statements

Our latest infrastructure funding statement

Previous annual reports

Reporting Developer Contributions Data

The Government requires all local planning authorities to publish their developer contributions data on a regular basis and in an agreed format. The Council publishes its developer contributions data annually in three CSV files.

Developer agreements

Lists all developer agreements secured by the Council. A developer agreement is any legal document that secures contributions from a development for infrastructure or affordable housing (including section 106 planning obligations), or any demand notice for CIL.

Developer agreement contributions

Contains the individual obligations or sums within each agreement, assigned to particular purposes such as affordable housing.

Developer agreement transactions

Details each transaction relating to a developer agreement and the status of the individual obligations or sums in each agreement.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024