Make a planning enquiry
Make an enquiry about a Planning issue using our on-line facility
Online planning services
Enquire if you need Planning Permission, Building Regulations, Make a High Hedges Complaint and much more.
Make a planning application
Should you propose a building or engineering operation, change of use or display of signage, some form of permission or consent may be required
Comment, track and view current applications
Information about the online Planning system that Bassetlaw District Council provide.
Biodiversity Net Gain
Information and guidance about Biodiversity Net Gain.
Self build and custom build advice
Information about Self Build and Custom Build development
Community infrastructure levy (CIL)
Information on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Conservation and heritage
Information, advice and guidance on Conservation and Heritage within Bassetlaw
Townscape Heritage Scheme
Bridge Street's historic building stock benefiting from conservation and restoration thanks to Heritage Lottery Fund
Development Management
Development Management deal with Pre-application Enquiries, Applications, Appeals and Enforcement
Footpath Guidance
Information about the footpaths within Bassetlaw.
Neighbourhood plans
Communities can produce a neighbourhood plan, which will contain policies to help shape and deliver new development in their areas
Planning complaints and comments
Details on how to make a planning complaint, comment or compliment at Bassetlaw District Council.
Planning policy
Information on the Bassetlaw Local Plan, supplementary planning documents, and plan monitoring.
Protected trees and hedgerows
Guidelines for Trees and Hedgerows with preservation orders and advice for High Hedges
Community right to bid
Voluntary and community organisations can nominate an asset to be included on a list of 'assets of community value'.