What is building control?

Building Control is a service that ensures that building work satisfies the minimum standards required by the Building Regulations.

Building regulations are legal requirements aimed at achieving adequate standards of building work for the construction of domestic, commercial and industrial buildings.  National Government made them; separate documents containing practical and technical guidance on compliance, which are known as Approved Documents, support them.  The documents are produced in several parts, each relating to different requirements of the Regulations, e.g. Part A - Structure, Part B - Fire Safety, and so on.

What is the purpose of the Building Regulations?

Their purpose is to ensure the minimum standard to secure the health and safety of people in or about buildings.  They are also concerned with energy efficiency and making reasonable provision to ensure that buildings are accessible and usable, regardless of disability, age or gender.

What do the Building Regulations cover?

The Building Regulations cover different types of work, as defined in Building Regulation 3.  If you want to construct a new building, extend or alter an existing one, or provide fittings such as new drains, boilers, wood-burning stoves, or hot water storage systems, the Building Regulations will probably apply.  They may also apply to changes of use to an existing building even though you do not plan any construction work.  This is because the change of use may involve different requirements of the Regulations.

Where can I obtain further information?

All the current and previous editions of the Approved Documents are on the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

The Approved Documents reproduce the legal requirements and give practical guidance on how to meet them.  If you follow the guidance in the Approved Documents, it will be evidence to indicate that you have complied with the Regulations.  If you do not follow the guidance, it will be evidence to indicate that you have not complied.  It will then be for you to demonstrate by other means that you have satisfied the requirement.

Before you start work, unless you have a reasonable working knowledge of building construction, it is advisable to obtain professional advice from an architect, a structural engineer or a building surveyor and choose a reputable builder to carry out the work.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024