Historic buildings and building regulations

Within a listed building, works that require approval under the Building Regulations (including alterations, extensions or demolition) will usually also require an application for Listed Building Consent to be submitted to the Council. Such works may include any structural works, re-roofing, the insertion of flues, extractor vents, replacing windows, doors or glazing.

For listed buildings, it is essential that the special architectural and historic interest of the building is protected. Certain requirements under Part L of the Building Regulations may be relaxed for conservation purposes (this is also true of non-listed buildings within a Conservation Area). If there is any doubt whether the works require Listed Building Consent or if you have queries over the relaxation of Building Regulation requirements, please Contact Us.

If the works you propose do require both Listed Building Consent and Building Regulations approval, it is recommended that prior to the submission of either application, you should ask to speak to both our Building Control and Conservation teams to discuss your proposals.

Should you carry out works authorised under the Building Regulations but not with Listed Building Consent, and if the works are deemed to detrimentally affect the special interest of the building, it is likely that Enforcement Action will be taken against you.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024