Building work inspections

To book an inspection, please telephone 01909 533184

We have a statutory duty to ensure that the Building Regulations are enforced within Bassetlaw.

Where a Building Regulations application has been deposited with the Council, anyone undertaking building work has a duty to notify us at various stages of work, appropriate to the project.  Stages may be inspected together where the relevant elements are visible.

In calculating the period of days, “days” means any period of 24 hours commencing at midnight and excludes any Saturday, Sunday or Bank Holiday.

You must let us know the date your builder plans to start work; please give at least two days’ notice.


Period of Notice Required


2 Days

Excavations for Foundations

1 Day

Foundations (concrete laid)

1 Day

Oversite/Ground Floor Insulation (before covering)

1 Day

Damp Proof Membrane (prior to insulation/concreting)

1 Day

Oversite (floor concrete laid)

1 Day

Damp Proof Course

1 Day

Floor Timbers

1 Day

Steelwork/Lintels (including padstones and bearings)

1 Day

Roof Timbers

1 Day


1 Day

Drains Laid (before covering up)

1 Day

Drains Test (after backfilling and covering up)

1 Day


5 Days

Any other inspection request (please specify)

1 Day

On the first (Commencement) visit our Building Control Surveyor would like to meet the builder and, if possible, the owner to discuss the inspections stages that are relevant to the project.  Extra inspections may be required during the course of work, to follow up corrective actions.

LABC's free site inspection app allows you to book inspections from your phone or tablet.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024