Have Your Say on Inclusive Play

Following the successful installation of inclusive play equipment at Kings’ Park in Retford, Bassetlaw District Council are now aiming to complete the next phase of improvements in inclusive play. This proposes the installation of similar play equipment at the Canch in Worksop to allow children with a range  of abilities to play together in this Green Flag Award winning park.

The equipment installed in Kings’ Park, Retford has been well received, is well used and has met the needs of the local community. We would like to ensure that any installation at the Canch will do the same.

We would particularly like to hear from people who are or might be facility users about their requirements and wishes for the site.

Bassetlaw District Council are proposing to install the following play equipment at the Canch Park in Worksop:


Ability Swing with Enclosure - Wheelchair Swing

Wheelchair Swing


Ability Space Whirl - 1.9 m Inclusive Roundabout 

Inclusive Roundabout


Tubular Ally Glockenspiel Inclusive Free Standing Music Panel 

Free Standing Music Panel


The survey closed on Friday 4th February 2022. 

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024