Draft allotment strategy consultation

Please note this consultation has now closed.

Bassetlaw District Council is calling on allotment holders present and future to help guide its strategy for the service.

The Council is currently consulting on its Draft Allotment strategy and is asking current Council Allotment Tenants, and the Bassetlaw Public, for their views on an updated strategy.

Bassetlaw District Council manages 23 allotment sites across Worksop and Retford, providing over 500 tenants and their families with a space to grow fresh, cheap food, whilst reducing food miles and enabling a range of physical and mental health benefits. Demand for allotments, although consistently high has grown significantly further since the Covid-19 pandemic and exceeds available supply, with over 170 people currently on the waiting list for a plot. 

 The strategy has five key objectives;

  • To ensure that there is a sufficient allocated stock to meet the present and future demands.
  • To promote allotment gardens to all sectors of the community.
  • To provide a well administered service.
  • To provide adequate resources for a resilient and sustainable service.
  • To address climate change and promote biodiversity.

Please read the draft allotment strategy before filling in the form. The consultation closed at 5pm on Friday 22 April 2022. 

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024