Dog owners who fail to clean up will be targeted

Dog owners who fail to clean up will be targeted

Bassetlaw District Council will continue to target irresponsible dog owners who fail to clean up after their pets, after councillors agreed to a renewal of the district wide Public Spaces Protection (Dog Control) Orders.

Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) last a maximum of three years and the Council recently sought the public’s views on whether the orders should continue for a further three-year period.

This consultation revealed overwhelming support to continue the orders and at an Extraordinary Meeting of Full Council on Thursday 8th August, Members approved the recommendation to renew the PSPO.

Cllr Darrell Pulk, Cabinet Member for Environment and Energy said: “For nearly a decade, the Council has been able to use these powers to make it clear what the Council, residents, and the law expects of responsible dog owners when exercising their pet.

“There has been overwhelming support for the extension of the Council’s Dog Control Order which sees careless dog owners caught and held accountable for their pets, for the benefit of those living in and visiting Bassetlaw.”

Bassetlaw’s original orders were first introduced in 2015, renewed in 2018 and 2021 and under the Dog Control Order 2024, from 1st September 2024 to 31st August 2027 dog owners in the district are required to:

  • Pick up their dog’s faeces on any land to which the public have access.
  • Keep their dogs on leads in specified burial grounds, cemeteries, and churchyards.
  • Keep their dogs from entering into specified fenced children’s play areas.
  • Be able to demonstrate to an enforcement officer that they have a suitable bag in their possession for cleaning up dog faeces.

Under the current Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act, an offence under the Public Spaces Protection Order will be liable for a fine of up to £1,000 or a fixed penalty notice of £100.

To help ensure dog owners are fully aware of all the regulations, the council will shortly be launching a campaign to educate people on the requirements of the PSPO Dog Order.

Last Updated on Wednesday, August 21, 2024