A powerful and vibrant message from Retford’s future generations about acting on climate change is to be displayed on a prominent building in the town centre.
A mural featuring animals and plants from around the world that are listed as being endangered species, some of which can be found in Nottinghamshire, is currently being painted on the side of West Street Pre-School.
The artwork is based on designs that were produced by A level students from the Elizabethan Academy, which were developed over several weeks following educations sessions with Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. The students were also supported by local artist Garry Ashton and the Council’s Arts and Heritage Officer.
Cllr Steve Scotthorne, Cabinet Member for Identity and Place said: “The effects of climate change will be felt by everyone, but more so by our younger generations if we do not start to act now.
“This mural provides a chance for people to learn more about the impact of climate change on our wildlife and what you can do to start to act in a positive way by recycling more, reducing our carbon footprint and how to improve habitats for wildlife in your own homes and gardens.”
“We have an ambition for Bassetlaw to be the greenest, most sustainable district in which to live and work. As well as helping to bring a new piece of art to Retford Town Centre, this mural will help to promote how everyone can get involved.”
The mural features a QR code for people to scan to find out what they can do to tackle climate change, including advice on saving energy at home, low carbon travel, recycling and waste, alongside a wide range of actions and advice on how to encourage wildlife into their garden and how to be more environmentally conscious.
The brightly coloured display is being installed by Mural artist company BlankWalls and is the first of two murals funded by a portion of Bassetlaw District Council’s allocation of the UK Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund’s Arts and Heritage Grant. The second mural will be installed on a wall in the Cheapside area of Worksop in November 2024.
Last Updated on Wednesday, October 30, 2024