Rents for homes owned and operated by Bassetlaw District Council will rise in line with the Government’s National Social Rent Policy, which applies to all social housing providers across England.
At a meeting of Cabinet on Tuesday 7th January 2025, Councillors approved a recommendation of a rent increase of 2.7% for its 6,534 Council homes to help meet demand for services and repairs, a new Decent Homes Standard and further investment in tenants’ homes.
Every penny received from tenants rent helps fund housing services. Last year over 12 million pounds was re-invested into work including major refurbishment at the Council’s Independent Living Schemes in Worksop and Harworth and Bircotes, the Green Doctors Scheme targeting damp and mould in tenants’ homes and improving the poorest energy performing properties.
Rents are set to rise from 1st April 2025 with the lowest change in rent being an increase of £1.58 per week for a small property and the highest an increase of £3.41 per week for a larger property.
As a comparison, the average rent for a typical two bed property owned and managed by Bassetlaw District Council per month will be £406.33, this compares to an average private rent per month of £589*
The majority of tenants (70%) will be less affected as housing benefits or Universal Credit will rise in line with these increases.
Cllr Jonathan Slater, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing said: “Tenants can be assured their rents continue to represent good value for money compared to the private sector. However, if we are to continue to invest in and maintain our tenants’ homes, rent increases in line with the Government’s National Social Rent Policy are necessary.
“In addition to investing in tenants’ homes through measures such as renewable heating, increased energy efficiency measures like new windows and doors and major projects including the renovation of our Independent Living Centres, we are also set to invest around £13.8 million on our estates and neighbourhoods over the next five years.
“We also continue to invest in our tenants by providing a tenancy sustainment service, Green Doctors in partnership with Groundwork Five Counties and our free 24-hour tenant support and wellbeing service.”
The Cabinet decision has now been referred to the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee later this month for full endorsement. Tenant’s individual rents will be confirmed by letter at the end of February.
Tenants with any queries regarding rents or who are experiencing difficulties paying their rent, should telephone our Customer Services team on 0800 590542.
*Information taken from the Office of National Statistics.
Last Updated on Thursday, February 6, 2025