Consultation launches on new district Design Code

Consultation launches on new district Design Code

Bassetlaw District Council is asking its residents and wider stakeholders to contribute to how future development in the district looks, works and feels as part of a consultation on the introduction of a new Design Code.

The Design Code is proposed to work with the existing Local Plan and adopted Neighbourhood Plans in Bassetlaw to make sure that future housing, business and industrial developments are of high quality, sustainable, inclusive, accessible, reflective of the local area and community led.

The Code will also advise on how any potential future developments should look and integrate into their potential surroundings and provide greater clarity on what is acceptable in main towns, larger rural settlements and smaller rural communities.

To help shape these proposals, a six-week consultation was launched on Monday 17th February asking residents for their thoughts on buildings and development including parking, open spaces, lighting, size of homes, energy efficiency measures and if building materials should reflect an areas local heritage.

Cllr Steve Scotthorne, Cabinet Member for Identity and Place said: “High quality design is important to the success of new development. The new Design Code for Bassetlaw will provide standards and guidelines to ensure new housing, businesses and other development is appropriate to its location and built to the right standards.

“This consultation is an opportunity to share your views about the design challenges and issues that exist in each part of the district and say how a new Design Code could help address them.”

Comments received from the consultation will be fed into the draft Bassetlaw Design Code, so the document can reflect the views of local residents and interested parties. The updated design code will then undergo a second round of consultation in Summer 2025.

To view the Design Code information and to comment please visit

You can view hard copies of the Design Code information at local libraries and town halls across the district or for a copy call freephone 0800 170 1224

You can also speak with Planning Officers by calling 01909 533533 or you can email

We are holding drop in consultation events for residents to find out more about the design code and talk to officers at:

  • 4 March - Beckingham Recreation Room 4.30-7pm
  • 5 March - Barnby Memorial Hall, Blyth 4.30-7pm
  • 10 March - Retford Enterprise Centre 4.30-7pm
  • 13 March - Worksop Town Hall 4.30-7pm
  • 18 March - Dunham on Trent Village Hall 4.30-7pm 


Last Updated on Tuesday, February 25, 2025