Bassetlaw Residents in financial need getting council tax support

Bassetlaw Residents in financial need getting council tax support

Bassetlaw District Council has been setting out how it plans to support those most in need when it comes to paying their council tax.

Cabinet members met on 6th February to discuss changes to the Council Tax Reduction (CTR) scheme for 2025/26, which will be in place from 1st April 2025, to make sure working age people don’t miss out through an increase in their benefits.

The CTR scheme income bands will rise in line with DWP benefits by 1.7%, with future years uprated according to any increases applied.

Cllr Alan Rhodes, Cabinet Member for Corporate and Finance said: “Our Council Tax Reduction Scheme remains a generous one in relation to other neighbouring authorities.

“By increasing it by the same amount applied to DWP benefits it will avoid people moving between bands in the scheme and losing out on financial support.”

The Council can provide an 88% reduction in Council tax, with individuals and families, who are on benefits or incomes less than £99.99 per week providing the additional 12 percent.

For those more vulnerable the working age scheme is capped at 95% while the severely disabled would also be protected on the highest maximum rate.

All claimants will continue to have access to a discretionary hardship fund if paying an increase in their council tax was causing severe hardship or exceptional circumstances.

The planned changes will now go to Full Council on 27th February for final approval.

To find out more about the Council Tax Reduction Scheme visit: Council tax reduction scheme | Bassetlaw District Council



Last Updated on Tuesday, February 18, 2025