Creative support for Aurora Wellbeing Centre Users

Creative support for Aurora Wellbeing Centre Users

An exhibition showcasing works created during a series of art and mind therapy workshops at Aurora Wellbeing has been launched.

Aurora Wellbeing Services received nearly £5k of Arts and Heritage Grant funding from Bassetlaw District Council, as part of the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund, to work with people affected by cancer and other long-term conditions.

Those involved in Aurora’s creative health programme, have produced photos and clothing, some of which has gone on show at their centre in Worksop.

Ruthie Boyes, Heritage Engagement Manager at Aurora said: “Our innovative course exploring the theme of ‘Identity and Loss after a cancer diagnosis, and the Photography Skills workshop entitled ‘Our Worksop’ have both been impactful for those involved.

“We know that heritage, art, and culture can boost wellbeing and can provide a creative outlet that helps to reduce anxiety and stress. We are very proud of the participants, they have individually explored their sense of self, whilst making connections and friendships. We are grateful to UK Government Levelling Up Fund for funding the project.”

The Arts and Heritage grant is part of the Government UK Shared Prosperity Fund’s (UKSPF) Community and Place priority which aims to promote engagement in local culture and community through arts and heritage activities.

Cllr Julie Leigh, Cabinet Member for Identity and Place said: “This Arts and Heritage Grant funding has helped to provide a much-welcomed additional resource to service users at Aurora who have been affected by cancer and other long-term conditions.

“I was impressed by the quality of the exhibition and the fact that some people had the strength and courage to find positives after their diagnosis.”

The UKSPF consists of a package of measures being delivered by Bassetlaw District Council over a two-year period after it secured more than £3.39 million from the UK Government.

Pictured left to right: Cllr Julie Leigh, Cabinet Member for Identity and Place, Cllr John Shephard, Barry, Helen, Chloe, Cllr Lynne Schuller, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing

Last Updated on Friday, May 10, 2024