Councillor grant puts wind in club’s sails

Councillor grant puts wind in club’s sails

A grant from Bassetlaw councillors is helping to ensure that Daneshill Sailing Club can stay on the water by replacing essential safety equipment.

Cllr Susan Shaw, Chairman of Bassetlaw District Council and Ward Member for East Retford East, along with Cllr Graham Oxby, Cllr David Pidwell and Cllr Jonathan Slater, have collectively donated £900 from their Councillor Community Grants.

The grants will help to fund a new safety boat and engine, along with a new launch trailer, that enables the club to offer sailing throughout the year.

Maurice Holmes, Commodore of the Daneshill Sailing Club said: “The club is very grateful for the generosity shown by the councillors. There comes a time when the old boat becomes not fit for purpose. Replacing it would be a very costly endeavour and without donations, we wouldn’t be able to afford the equipment.

“The new boat is an integral part of the safety equipment at the club. We are now on the right track to move closer to our goal with the aid of this donation, which is very much appreciated.”

Sailing activities commenced in Daneshill in 1973 with the club forming in 1988, it now helps introduce people of all ages to sailing.

Cllr Shaw said: “I was delighted to help support the Sailing Club to be on the right path their target to purchase a new Safety Boat. It’s important we continue to support these communities with their projects, and we want to help grow and attract more people in taking up this sport.”

Each Bassetlaw District Councillor is allocated a small budget and has the discretion to award grants to community activities that will benefit the community within their respective electoral ward areas. Councillors will consider grant applications for sports; culture and heritage; environment and sustainability; social welfare; and community activities.

To learn more about this funding, please visit the Councillor Community Grant section of

Pictured - Cllr Sue Shaw and Daneshill Sailing Team

Last Updated on Tuesday, May 28, 2024