Rural communities set to prosper

Rural communities set to prosper

Community groups and businesses in Bassetlaw’s rural areas have the opportunity to bid for a share of almost £715k of Government funding.

Bassetlaw District Council is now accepting expressions of interest for Bassetlaw’s share of the Rural England Prosperity Fund - a rural top-up to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The fund will support initiatives such as the improvement of community facilities and green spaces, as well as projects to boost rural tourism and community infrastructure. It will also support local enterprises such as agricultural businesses looking to diversify or expand their commerce, and rural businesses looking to launch or grow their products and services.

Cllr Jo White, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Business and Skills, said: “The world is changing fast and sometimes it is a struggle for a rural based business to adapt at speed. 

“The Fund will provide grants that could provide a significant step-up for Bassetlaw rural businesses, enabling them to successfully compete and build their capacity for the future.”

A total of £714,250 will be available to rural communities over the next two financial years, with the fund distributed equally between community projects and rural enterprises employing up to 49 people.

Cllr Julie Leigh, Cabinet Member for Identity and Place, added: “The community element of this funding can support a diverse range of projects that will help rural groups to improve where they live, create new support services, and be the catalyst for innovative proposals that can strengthen communities. We know there are lots of amazing rural communities in our district and we look forward to seeing what projects they put forward for consideration.” 

Bassetlaw District Council is now inviting eligible groups and businesses to put forward their expressions of interest by 5pm on Tuesday 18th July. You can do this by visiting our website or by emailing (Please Note: Applications for the second round of REPF have now closed).

The minimum request per application is £10,000, with a maximum request of £50,000 per application. Businesses must directly contribute or secure match funding for a minimum of 30% of the total project costs. While Community projects must directly contribute or secure match funding for a minimum of 10% of the total project costs.

You can also find more information about the rural England Prosperity Fund and check your eligibility by visiting our website (Please Note: Applications for the second round of REPF have now closed).

Successful applicants will be notified by the beginning of August and will be asked to complete a full application form, which should be returned by 12noon on Friday 15th September.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024