Council’s Allocation Policy Consultation reaches Conclusion

Council’s Allocation Policy Consultation reaches Conclusion

A consultation on Bassetlaw District Council’s revised Allocations Policy has reached its conclusion, which will help to inform the next steps of progressing proposals.

The Council consulted with tenants and residents about proposed changes to its Choice Based Lettings and Allocations Policy between October and December 2023. The responses and outcome of the consultation will now form part of a report that is due to be put forward to the Council’s Cabinet as part of its March meeting.

People who completed the survey also had the chance to win a £50 Love2Shop Voucher and the winner, Zoe Bird, was recently presented with her prize by the Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing, Cllr Jonathan Slater.

The proposed Choice Based Lettings and Allocations Policy is designed to improve the way that the Council allocates its housing stock to those in need, reduce the number of empty properties it has, and reduce homelessness, among other objectives.

Cllr Slater said; “I’d like to thank everyone who took part in the consultation. Your feedback and engagement will help to shape these proposals and will be considered alongside the revised policy.

“Among the proposals, we want to simplify the process, reduce homelessness in our district and ensure that our properties are allocated to those whose need for housing is the greatest.”

The Council invited all tenants, and residents who are on the Housing Waiting List, to be part of the consultation by letter, which outlined the proposed changes. A series of drop in events were also held for residents who had any questions about the proposed policy and wanted more information. In total, 121 people completed the survey.

As part of the consultation, respondents also had a chance of winning a £50 Love2 Shop Voucher. The winning entry was Zoe Bird, who said: “I couldn't believe I won, I never win anything I enter. But this is something else and I'm so grateful it's come at a good time for me to help towards my daughter birthday.”

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024