Severe Weather Emergency Provision (SWEP) - Accommodation for Rough Sleepers

Bassetlaw District Council has launched its Severe Weather Emergency Provision, making accommodation available so that no-one has to sleep rough on the streets during the winter months.

Working in partnership with HOPE Community Services, our cold weather accommodation runs until 31 March 2024. People who are homeless or rough sleeping can contact the Council’s Housing Needs Team so that a referral can be made and an assessment of their needs and circumstances carried out.

The Council and our partners aims to provide a full package of support from agencies such as the Street Outreach Team, CGL, health professionals and others so our winter provision is not a quick fix, drop-in system, but a plan to support people in changing their lifestyle and move away from rough sleeping permanently.

Cllr Jonathan Slater, Cabinet Member for Housing at Bassetlaw District Council said:

“Our cold weather provision is now open and running through the winter months. We understand that in the past some rough sleepers have found drop in shared facilities stressful and this has been a barrier to them accessing services. Our approach is to support people whilst they access the cold weather provision and make this their first step towards moving away from rough sleeping permanently.”

If you are concerned that somebody is homeless or rough sleeping, then please get in touch via one of the following ways:

  • Contact our Housing Needs Team – 01909 533533 (out of hours service – 0800 590 542)

  • Use Streetlink –

  • Contact the Nottinghamshire Street Outreach Team – 0800 066 5356

  • If the person is in immediate danger, needs medical assistance, or is under 18 please call 999

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024