Fly-tippers fined over £2,000

Fly-tippers fined over £2,000

A pair of fly-tippers have been ordered to pay fines adding up to more than £2,000 after two unconnected cases of illegally dumped waste in Bassetlaw.

Worksop resident Corey-Dean Warren was seen by a member of the public fly-tipping a combination of building and household waste on Red Lane in Carlton-in-Lindrick on 7th July 2023.

The witness alerted a nearby police officer to the situation, who located Mr Warren’s Ford Transit Tipper van and interviewed him under caution. Mr Warren admitted to fly-tipping the waste, and was led back to the site to clear it away.

Mr Warren, of Lincoln View, Manton, pleaded guilty to the offence at Nottingham Magistrates Court on 18th August 2023. He was ordered to pay a fine of £120, costs of £300, and a £48 victim surcharge – totalling £468.

In a separate case on 15th February 2023, Officers from Bassetlaw District Council’s Environment Services Team were called to a fly-tip on Slaynes Lane in Misson where they found a collection of timber, plywood, plastics, children’s toys, metals and general waste.

Among this waste, officers recovered evidence that led to a local resident, who was invited to an interview under caution. The resident explained they had paid Michael Dargue of Cedar Road, Doncaster, to collect and dispose of the waste and believed that the waste would be disposed of responsibly, despite not checking that he had a waste carriers licence.

Mr Dargue was invited to an interview under caution on three occasions, but failed to attend. On 17th August 2023, Mr Dargue attended Mansfield Magistrates Court, where he pleaded guilty to two offences under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 related to the fly-tipping incident. He was ordered to pay a £833 fine and £700 in costs – totalling £1,533. 

Cllr Darrell Pulk, Cabinet Member for Environment and Energy at Bassetlaw District Council said: “Fly-tipping is a serious criminal offence, and there is simply no excuse of justification for it. People that choose to fly-tip their waste could receive an unlimited fine, up to five years in jail, and could have their vehicles seized – consequences that are just not worth the risk when there are so many ways to dispose of waste legally and in Bassetlaw.

“Bassetlaw residents have a ‘Duty of Care’ to dispose of their waste responsibly. If you are disposing of your own waste, you can make use of the recycling centres and recycling points in the District, as well as the Council’s waste collection services.

“If you are hiring someone to dispose of your waste on your behalf, it is important to check that they’re from a reputable company and are authorised to do so. Failure to do so may result in your being issued a fine if your waste is found to have been dumped illegally.

“By taking responsibility of our waste disposal, we can protect the environment and keep our community safe and clean”.

Should you witness or come across any fly-tipping, you can report it to the Council online at: where you can also find further information about fly-tipping and your Duty of Care.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024