Local Elections – 4th May 2023

Local Elections – 4th May 2023

Poll cards and postal poll cards have started to drop onto doorsteps across Bassetlaw ahead of the local elections on 4th May.

Bassetlaw District Council has 48 councillors across 25 wards with all seats being up for election on Thursday, 4th May 2023.

Elections will also be held on the same day for any contested seats across the parish and town councils in the district.

Residents are being encouraged to keep an eye out for their poll card and to check it carefully as it has important information on polling station locations. You can also find information on your polling station by using our polling station finder.

In addition, there will be information on the poll card about the requirement to bring photo ID when voting at a polling station. The new requirement has been introduced by the UK Government.

It means voters across England will need to show an accepted form of photo ID when voting at polling stations for local elections.

Postal Vote packs will be posted out to electors with a Postal Vote from 19th April. If you are going away please contact the election office on 01909 533 252 to check when will receive your postal vote.

For further information about local elections and the introduction of photo ID can be found on the Council’s dedicated elections page.


Last Updated on Wednesday, May 29, 2024