Project improves living for residents

Project improves living for residents

A project to improve the way people enjoy their homes, as well as tackle issues linked to community safety has been completed in Carlton-in-Lindrick.

Residents living on Lichfield Walk and Lime Tree Avenue, part of the Carlton Wimpey Estate, have been part of a new landscaping project that has seen the locations of their front and rear gardens and driveways switched. This now gives them an improved and more private outdoor space to enjoy, more functional entrances to their homes and contributes to reducing anti-social behaviour.

The work on nine council-owned properties, which began in November, was recently completed and has included; timber fencing between and to the rear of the properties to create a communal landscaped area that can be gated off, tarmacked driveways to provide new parking, landscaped rear and front gardens, galvanised fencing at the front of the properties and improved drainage.

Cllr Jonathan Slater, Cabinet Member for Housing and Estates at Bassetlaw District Council, said: “I'm really impressed with the progress that's been made on the regeneration of this local estate and I hope that residents are now enjoying their improved surroundings.

“Progression on the overall masterplan is really coming on and it shows our dedication to upgrading our existing housing stock. At the last Council Budget meeting, we committed to investing £103 million over the next five years, which includes upgrading our existing stock and improving our estate, and this is a testament to that commitment.”

That commitment was echoed by all three Ward Members for Carlton and Cllr Steve Scotthorne, Cabinet Member for Identity and Place added: “As councillors, we’ve been working tirelessly to get this scheme to come forward, so it’s great to see the improvements that have been made and it’s really impressive.

“We now look forward to rolling it out further on the estate and I hope that this shows residents how we are investing in our estates and improving the lives of council tenants by improving the places where they live.”

The project has been delivered by Beyond Consult Limited, Anotherkind Architects, and RJR Group. This is Phase 1 of a wider Masterplan for the Carlton Wimpey estate, which has already delivered additional CCTV coverage to improve safety on the estate, as well as closing off some additional walkways and alleyways to prevent anti-social behaviour.

Luke Johnson, Director at Beyond Consult, said: “This has been an innovative project, so now you have this beautiful setup where people have more space and better frontages for their houses. It's been a successful project and we’re really excited to see it finished. Thank you to RJR for doing such a great job and Bassetlaw for allowing us to do something a bit different here.”

Further phases Of the Carlton Wimpey Masterplan could include building additional housing and a new community hub, as well as creating a multifunctional space at the heart of the estate.

The Masterplan has been developed in response to concerns and issues raised by residents about the estate over a number of years and will act as a catalyst for improving the appearance of the estate and quality of life for residents living there.


Pictured right to left: James Riggall, RJR Group, Cllr Steve Scotthorne, Cabinet Member for Identity and Place, Chris Redfern, Bassetlaw District Council, Cllr Jonathan Slater, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing, Cllr David Pidwell, Ward Member for Carlton, Luke Johnson and James Bracegirdle, Beyond Consult Limited.


Last Updated on Monday, March 24, 2025