New play area for Tuxford Residents

New play area for Tuxford Residents

Bassetlaw District Council will be creating a brand-new play area in Tuxford thanks to funding created by a new housing development.

Longhurst Group has recently completed the building of 86 homes on its Ashvale Place development and thanks to money generated by Section 106 funds worth £51,571.57, a new play park with five pieces of equipment will be created close to Clinton Gardens.

The play park will be aimed at children under the age of 10 and is likely to include equipment such as a multi-play structure, a small slide, cradle swing, spring toys and rockers.

Over the coming months, the land currently owned by Longhurst Group will be adopted by the Council and work on the park is expected to begin in spring 2024.

Cllr Julie Leigh, Cabinet Member for Identity and Place, said: “This is fantastic news for Tuxford residents and we look forward to building a place where families and friends can play with their children for years to come.

“This is also a great example of how developer contributions and the work that Councils do through the planning process help to improve the communities where development takes place.”

Section 106 funding, also known as ‘developer contributions’, are funds sought by the Council through the planning process and contribute to the costs of providing new community facilities and infrastructure, as a direct result of development.

Marcus Keys, Executive Director of Development, Growth and Assets at Longhurst Group said: “We’re delighted to see that the money we’ve paid as part of our section 106 agreement is being put to good use and creating a facility that will benefit the younger residents living on our development.

“A key part of our Improving Lives vision is to support the health and wellbeing of our customers, so being able to contribute towards the creation of an outdoor play area certainly helps to achieve that goal.”

The new addition was also welcomed by Ward Members for Tuxford and the local community.

Cllr Emma Griffin, Ward Member for Tuxford said: “This is fantastic for Tuxford and the many young families that live in the market town. Providing green spaces and facilities for our community is so important and something I’m incredibly passionate about.”

Pictured are (from left to right): Cllr Emma Griffin – Ward Member for Tuxford, Sharon Stevenson, Asset Sales Manager at Longhurst Group, Emily Hetherington-Field, Asset Sales Officer at Longhurst Group and Cllr Julie Leigh, Cabinet Member for Identity and Place.


Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024