Life-saving equipment installed in Manton

Life-saving equipment installed in Manton

A community in Manton has had new lifesaving equipment installed close by thanks to a duo of Bassetlaw councillors.

Cllr Josie Potts and Cllr John Shephard, joint Ward Members for Worksop South East, have donated £1,050 through their Councillor Community Grant to buy and install a defibrillator and a heated cabinet at the Kingston Road Community Hub.

Being able to access a defibrillator quickly can be critical to surviving a heart attack as  research has shown that if a defibrillator is used within the first five minutes of someone suffering a heart-attack, it can increase their chances of survival from 6% to 74%.

Cllr Potts said: “We are pleased that the Kingston Road Community Hub has been chosen to have the defibrillator installed to serve the people of Kingston Close and Kingston Road. Every second counts when using a defibrillator and it will definitely increase the chances of saving lives.”

To find out where your nearest defibrillator is, visit the defib-finder website:

Each Bassetlaw District Councillor is allocated a small budget and has the discretion to award grants to community activities that will benefit within their respective electoral ward areas. Councillors will consider grant applications for sports; culture and heritage; environment and sustainability; social welfare; and community activities.

To learn more about this funding, please visit the Councillor Community Grant section of


Pictured: Cllr Josie Potts, Cllr John Shepherd

Last Updated on Friday, March 21, 2025