Funding to expand Historical Society

Funding to expand Historical Society

A historical society in Bassetlaw will be able to expand their archive collection and showcase a village’s history thanks to a £200 grant from their local Bassetlaw District Councillor.

Formed by Martin Grocock and Kieth Deakin in 2012, The Blyth and Hodsock Historical Society have been collecting photographs and artifacts of Blyth and surrounding area over the last 13 years.

The society has also created a museum in the Memorial Hall in Blyth to showcase their photographs, artifacts and research, so that visitors and villagers can learn more about the rich history of Blyth, Hodsock and the surrounding area.

The grant from Cllr Jack Bowker, Ward Member for Blyth, will allow the group to cover the rental cost of the Memorial Hall and extend their historical memorabilia.

Martin Grocock, Chair of Blyth and Hodsock Historical Society, said; "We are all about Blyth and Hodsock with interest of surrounding areas thrown in for good measure. We aim to preserve our rich history with artefacts and photos in our museum, for the interest and enjoyment, not just for current locals and newcomers, but also for future generations.

“We are constantly making new history so we will continue to grow and add, as time goes by. Our thanks go to Cllr Bowker for his donation which will help towards our mission.”

Currently, the group meet on every third Thursday of the month with around 30 members attending each meeting. The society also organises events and guest speakers to talk about the history of the local area.

Cllr Bowker added; “Martin and Kieth have done an outstanding job preserving the history of Blyth and Hodsock. As people pass through this area, we want to show off everything that Blyth and Hodsock has to offer. The history is something that we are proud of so it’s crucial that we don’t lose that.”

For more information about the historical society, you can visit their website.

Each Bassetlaw District Councillor is allocated a small budget and has the discretion to award grants to activities that will benefit the community within their respective electoral ward areas. Councillors will consider grant applications for sports; culture and heritage; environment and sustainability; social welfare; and community activities.

To learn more about this funding, please visit the Councillor Community Grant section of

Pictured: Martin Grocock, Cllr Jack Bowker, Kieth Deakin 


Last Updated on Friday, January 31, 2025