Bassetlaw Ladies Walking Football (Over 30s)

Walking football sessions for women aged over 30 - a great way to improve your health and wellbeing and you will also get your steps in.




7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

This event occurs Weekly every:


Ladies Walking Football Poster.


Bassetlaw Ladies Walking Football (Over 30s)

Sessions take place every Monday at St John’s Academy, Raymoth Lane, Worksop, S81 7LU (Next to the Three-Legged Stool Pub), 7pm-8pm.

Parking: Free parking onsite.

The sessions will run every week and you can try your first 3 weeks for FREE, after that each session will cost £3.50 per session.

All abilities are welcome, meet new friendly people and try something different... You might just love it!

A great way to improve your health and wellbeing and you will also get your steps in.

For more information contact:
Anita O'Reilly - 07714 586503.
Sam Ducksbury -


St John’s Academy, Raymoth Lane, Worksop, S81 7LU.