Your Views - Levelling Up Worksop

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Proposed sites in Worksop (Map)

Levelling Up Funding Bid

Bassetlaw District Council, working with partners including Brendan Clarke-Smith MP will be submitting a bid to the Government’s ‘Levelling up Fund’ to transform Worksop Town Centre. As part of this process we want to get as many views as possible to ensure that the bid is supported by the local community. Details on the second round of Levelling Up funding are expected to be announced by Government this spring.

Worksop Town Centre – Possible Bid Areas 

The Council has identified three different areas within the town centre that could be the focus of the bid. These areas build on themes from the Worksop Town Masterplan as well as addressing issues such as flooding, traffic problems and empty shops and units. 

The three possible bid areas are:

  1. The Priory Centre and surrounding area

  2. Bridge Street and surrounding area

  3. Upper Town around the Savoy Cinema

Worksop Town Centre – Bid Themes

To help shape the bid, we are asking for suggestions and ideas on how to improve the town centre under six key themes.

These are:

  1. Better Connectivity – How can we improve walking, cycling and transport around the town centre?

  2. Leisure Offer – What leisure facilities would you like to see in the town centre? Such as restaurants, pubs, sporting activities?

  3. Local Economy and Jobs - Better training and upskilling for local residents taking into account future emerging industries. 

  4. Retail Experience – Creating a cleaner, greener and safer shopping experience and encouraging more independent stores.

  5. Housing – Bringing back into use under utilised areas including derelict buildings and land to accommodate new housing within the town centre.

  6. Environment & Flooding –  Aiding the prevention of flooding in the town centre and improving the quality of open spaces and play facilities.  

Engagement and Events

To help shape the bid, provide more information and to capture the views of residents and business, the Council is holding a series of events throughout February and March.

Wednesday 9th February 10am – 3pm Worksop Market 

Friday 18th February 10am – 3pm Worksop Market 

Tuesday 22nd February 6:30pm – 7:30pm Online meeting  - please email to book a place.

Saturday 26th February 10am – 3pm Worksop Market

Wednesday 2nd March 10am – 3pm Worksop Market

Wednesday 9th March - 7:30am - 10:30am Drop in Business Breakfast Meeting, Cafe Neo, Worksop

Friday 11th March 10am – 3pm Worksop Market

Saturday 12th March 10am – 3pm Worksop Market

Saturday 12th March - 9.30am, 12.30pm, 2.30pm and 4pm - Walking tour around the town centre to discuss ideas. Please email to book a place.

Have Your Say

Our survey is now closed. There will be a further round of consultation ahead of the final bid submission.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024