Statement of licensing policy

The Council carries out its functions under the Licensing Act 2003 with a view to promoting the Licensing Objectives and issues a licensing statement setting out its policy.

The Licensing Act 2003 imposes a statutory duty upon district councils to produce, develop and review a licensing policy.

The aim of the policy is to secure the safety and amenity of residential communities whilst facilitating a sustainable entertainment and cultural industry. Bassetlaw District Council in adopting a licensing policy recognises both the needs of residents for a safe and healthy environment to live and work and the importance of well run entertainment premises to the local economy and vibrancy of the District. To achieve this aim Bassetlaw District Council is committed to partnership working with police, fire service, local businesses, licensing trade, residents and others towards the promotion of the objectives as set out in this policy.

This policy will provide information and guidance to licence applications, objectors and interested parties on the general approach that Bassetlaw will take in terms of licensing. Although each application will be considered individually on its own merits, the Council in adopting a licensing policy is indicating that wider considerations other than the fitness of the applicant and suitability of premises will be taken into account in making an appropriate determination.

In accordance with the statutory procedures, a review of the Council’s policy will take place periodically, to take into account information collated over a period of time, coupled with the outcomes of related initiatives relating to alcohol and entertainment at central and local government.

In the preparation and publication of this policy Bassetlaw District Council has had regard to the guidance issued by the Secretary of State under Section 182 Licensing Act 2003.

Nothing in this document should be regarded or interpreted as an indication that any requirement of licensing or other law may be overridden.

You may also visit the Government’s Culture Department website and the Institute of Licensing website.

NB: The statement of licensing policy is only intended as a general guide. You should consult your own professional advisers for more detailed advice.


Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024