Licensing act 2003
Here you will find information about the various types of application that the Licensing Department process under the Licensing Act 2003
Premises licence
A Premises Licence is granted for a business supplying alcohol or entertainment or late night food (on or off the premises
Club premises certificate
A Premises Licence is granted for a business supplying alcohol or entertainment or late night food (on or off the premises
Personal licence
All sales of alcohol must be made by, or under the authority of, a personal licence holder.
Temporary event notice (TEN)
Information of Temporary Event Notices (TEN), which can be used to authorise relatively small-scale, ad hoc events.
Regulated entertainment
What is Regulated Entertainment?
Licensing objectives
Applications under the Licensing Act must show how they will promote the Licensing Objectives
Late night refreshment
Late Night Refreshment involves the supply of ‘hot food and hot drink’ between 11:00pm and 05:00am
Premises licence reviews
Information relating to applications for a review of a licence issued under the Licensing Act 2003
Designated premises supervisor
If the application for a Premises Licence includes consent to supply or sell alcohol, a Designated Premises Supervisor must be appointed
Advertising applications
In addition to displaying a notice at the premises a notice must also be published in a local newspaper
Mandatory conditions
The mandatory conditions apply to every licence and certificate issued by the Licensing Department
Fees for licences
Fees for Licences under the Licensing Act 2003
Responsible authorities
Responsible Authorities are public bodies that are entitled to make representations to the Licensing Department in relation to your application.
Licensing enforcement
The Licensing Department has specialist Enforcement Officers whose job it is to enforce the licences issued by the council
Statement of licensing policy
The Council carries out its functions under the Licensing Act 2003 with a view to promoting the Licensing Objectives.
Community Centres and Church Halls
Churches, community centres and village halls are exempt from having to pay any fees.
Current applications for a premises licence
Applications received for premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003. This is a link through to our Public Notices on Open Data.