Hackney carriage and private hire policy - Appendix L - Exceptional Condition Definition

Exceptional Condition Definition

Definition Of “Exceptional Condition” For Hackney Carriage And Private Hire Vehicles

The term “exceptional condition” is used to describe vehicles which are over any age limit set by the Council, but that can be licensed for the first time or continue to be licensed because of their condition.

Any Council which imposes an age limit on its vehicles must be prepared to consider applications from vehicles that are in “exceptional condition” and the following specification is a guide to suggest the type of vehicles that Bassetlaw District Council will consider.

A vehicle of “exceptional condition” is one where the components i.e. mechanical, body panels, paint and trim are in an exceptional condition with regard to the age of the vehicle.

It is essential that the image of an exceptional older vehicle upholds the standards normally set by a much younger vehicle.

Key items that will be considered when determining whether a vehicle meets the standard expected of vehicles in “exceptional condition” are set out below:

  1. The underside condition of the vehicle does not show any signs of rusting or deterioration.
  2. Mechanical condition is such that there should be no item that may show deterioration or cause or contribute to a less than safe, comfortable passenger ride.
  3. Bodywork should be in near perfect condition with no signs of panel deterioration, dents or any other abrasions that may detract from the overall appearance of the vehicle.
  4. General paint condition should not show signs of fading, discolouration or mismatching and retain a finish generally found on much younger vehicles.
  5. Interior trims, panels, seating and carpets etc. should be of a condition that is free from frayed, discoloured, faded or torn components
  6. The passenger compartment should be free from damp or any odours that may cause passenger discomfort.

Ultimately, the decision on whether a car can be licensed under the proviso that it is in “exceptional condition” would have to be judged on the merits of each vehicle. Consideration would also have to be given to the type of vehicle, engine size, mileage and the fact that it is going to be used as a licensed hackney carriage or private hire vehicle rather than a family saloon.

This decision is made by the testing staff and if you do not agree with their decision, then you may appeal to the Council’s Transport Superintendent within 7 days. The Transport Superintendent’s decision is final. The Licensing staff are also available to advise you on the various options available to you in order that you may make an informed decision.

Licensing Committee



Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024