Permanent site conditions

Permanent Residential Mobile Home Site Licence Conditions (2016)

(Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960, Section 5)

The following conditions are attached to Permanent Residential Mobile Home Sites licences issued by Bassetlaw District Council (the ‘Licensing authority’).

  1. Class of use
    1. Park Homes’ stationed on this site shall be for residential use only
    2. The term “Park Home” is used in preference to “caravan” or “mobile home” but the three terms are interchangeable
    3. The terms “site” and “park” are interchangeable 
  2. Number and type of park homes
    1. Not more than [Insert No.] Park Homes are to be stationed on the site at any one time
    2. All Park Homes stationed on the site shall comply with the definition of caravan as contained in Section 29(1) of Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 (as amended)
    3. Each Park Home must comply with current British and/or European legislation and statutory quality standards
  3. The site boundaries and plan of the site
    1. The boundaries of the site should be clearly marked by a man made or natural feature (for example by fences or hedges.
    2. No additional Park Home or combustible structure shall be positioned within 3 metres of the boundary of the site.
    3. A plan of the site shall be supplied to the Licensing Authority upon application for a licence and thereafter whenever there is a material change to the boundaries or layout of the site, or at any other time on request from the Licensing Authority.
    4. The plan supplied must clearly illustrate the layout of the site including all relevant structures, features and facilities on it and shall be of suitable quality.
    5. The layout of the site shall not be varied without the prior written consent of the Licensing Department.
    6. The Site Owner shall provide the Licensing Department with a plan of the site within 28 days from the date of any written request, when there is a material change to the boundaries or layout of the site.
  4. Density and space between park homes
    1. Except in the cases mentioned in Paragraph 4.4, and its sub paragraphs, and Paragraph 4.5 every Park Home must, where practicable be spaced at a distance of no less than six metres (The Separation Distance) from any other Park Home which is occupied as a separate residence.
    2. No Park Home shall be stationed within 2 metres of any road or communal car park within the site or more than 50 metres from such a road within the site.
    3. Where a Park Home is to be retrospectively been fitted with cladding from a Class 1 fire rated materials to its facing walls then the separation distance between it and any adjacent Park Home may be reduced to a minimum of 5.25 metres. Evidence of the Class 1 fire rated materials is to be provided to the Licensing Department and be authorised, in writing, by the Licensing Department before the cladding is fitted.
    4. In the cases mentioned at paragraphs 4.1, 4.2 or 4.3:
      1. Any separation distances of less than 6 metres must be authorised, in writing, by the Licensing Department.
      2. A porch attached to the Park Home may protrude one metre in to the Separation Distance and must not exceed 2 metres in length and 1 metre in depth. The porch must not exceed the height of the Park Home. Where a porch is installed only 1 door will be permitted at that entrance to the Park Home, either on the porch or on the Park Home.
      3. Eaves, drainpipes and bay windows may extend into the Separation Distance provided that the total distance between the extremities of 2 adjacent units is not less than 5 metres except where Paragraph 4.3 applies, in this case the extension into the Separation Distance shall not exceed 4.25 metres
      4. Any structure including steps, ramps, verandas etc. (Except a garage or a car port) which extends more than 1 metre into the Separation Distance shall be of non-combustible construction. There should be a 4.5 metre clear distance between any such structure and adjacent Park Home. If these structures are enclosed, they may need to be considered as part of the unit.
      5. A garage or car port may only be permitted within the Separation Distance if it is of non-combustible construction.
      6. Covered walkways are not permitted in the Separation Distance.
      7. Windows in structures within the Separation Distance shall not face towards the Park Home on either side.
      8. Fences and hedges, where allowed and forming the boundary between adjacent Park Home’s should be a maximum of 1 metre high.
      9. Private cars may be parked within the Separation Distance provided they do not obstruct entrances to Park Home’s or access around them and they are a minimum of 3 metres from an adjacent Park Home. Sufficient and suitably surfaced parking spaces should be provided where necessary to meet the additional requirements of the occupants and their visitors.
      10. No car may be parked within 3 metres of an LPG tank (2.5 metres for an LPG tank with a capacity of less than 380 litres).
      11. The point of measurement for porches, awnings etc. is the exterior cladding of the Park Home not the exterior of the porch.
      12. Porches shall not incorporate sleeping accommodation.
      13. A garage, a shed or a covered storage space should be permitted between units only if it is of a non-combustible construction (including non-combustible roof). Sufficient space must be maintained around each unit so as not to prejudice means of escape in case of fire. Sufficient space should relate to the width of escape routes as defined within building regulations which is a minimum of 750 mm. Windows in such structures should not face towards the units on either side. No combustible material should be stored between Park Home’s.
      14. The density should be consistent with safety standards and health and safety requirements. The gross density should not exceed 50 Park Home’s to the hectare, calculated on the basis of the useable area (i.e. excluding lakes, roads, communal services and other areas unsuitable for the siting of Park Home’s) rather than the total site area.
  5. Roads, Gateways and Footpaths
    1. All roads, gateways and turnings shall be designed to provide safe access for emergency vehicles. Roads, gateways and turnings and shall be kept clear from obstruction at all times.
    2. Roads shall be constructed and laid of suitable bitumen macadam or concrete with a suitable compact base or by some other suitable method or material which has been approved, in writing, by the Licensing Department.
    3. All roads shall have adequate surface drainage.
    4. All new roads should not be less than 3.7 metres wide, or, if they form part of a clearly marked one way traffic system, 3 metres wide.
    5. Where existing two way roads are not 3.7 metres wide, passing places shall be provided.
    6. Suitable turning facilities shall be provided on any cul-de-sac road exceeding 20 metres in length.
    7. Where there is a risk of excess speed being achieved on the site roads suitable, marked, speed humps shall be constructed within 10 metres of the sites entrance(s) and at intervals of not more than 100 metres on all site roads.
    8. A clear warning sign of speed humps shall be placed at the site entrance(s).
    9. Any one way systems shall be clearly signposted.
    10. Vehicular access and all gateways to the site must be a minimum of 3.1 metres wide and have a minimum height clearance of 3.7 metres.
    11. All roads shall be maintained in a good condition.
    12. No electrical or other cable should overhang a road at less than 5.8 metres having regard to the latest edition of The Electrical Safety Quality and Continuity Regulations.
    13. Roads should be provided so that no Park Home standing is more than 50 metres from a road.
  6. Footpaths and Pavements
    1. Each Park Home should be connected to a road by a footpath with a hard surface which shall be maintained in a good condition.
    2. Where practicable, new communal footpaths built after the introduction of these conditions shall not be less than 0.9 metres wide.
  7. Lighting
    1. Roads, communal footpaths and pavements shall be adequately lit between dusk and dawn to allow the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians around the site during the hours of darkness.
  8. Hard Standings (Bases)
    1. Every Park Home should stand on a concrete hard-standing made up of a base of hard-core which is to be not less than 100 mm thick with an even covering of concrete or tarmacadam (on top of the hard-core) which is capable of being easily drained and shall extend over the entire area occupied by the Hard Standing placed thereon.
    2. Alternative methods of constructing the Hard Standing are to be approved, in writing, by the Licensing Department.
    3. The Hard Standing shall project not less than 0.9 metres outwards along the entrance side or sides of the Park Home.
    4. Hard Standings shall be maintained in good condition.
    5. The provision and maintenance of the hard standings is the responsibility of the site owner.
  9. Maintenance of Common Areas, including Grass, Vegetation and Trees
    1. Every part of the site to which the public have access shall be kept in a clean and tidy condition at all times. The site is to be kept free of accumulations, un-roadworthy vehicles and other objects that are detrimental to the amenity of the site.
    2. Every road, communal footpath and pavement on the site shall be maintained.
    3. Grass and vegetation shall be cut and removed at frequent and regular intervals.
    4. Trees within the site shall (subject to necessary consents) be maintained.
    5. Any cuttings litter or waste shall be removed from the immediate surrounds of a pitch.
    6. Bonfires are not permitted on sites.
    7. Site Boundary vegetation must not be within 1 metre of any Park Home.
    8. A clear route must be maintained from every Park Home’s external doors to the roadway.
    9. All water services, drainage services and other communal services and facilities shall be maintained in good repair, free from hazards and full working order.
    10. The drainage system is to be kept free from blockage and no biodegradable materials are to be disposed of within the system.
  10. Supply and Storage of Gas
    1. Gas (including natural gas) and oil installations, and the storage of supplies shall meet current statutory requirements, relevant Standards and Codes of Practice. In particular:
      1. Gas installations to conform to the appropriate edition of the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations and associated codes of practice.
      2. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) storage tanks or cylinders shall comply with the LP Gas Association Codes of Practice.
    2. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders must not be positioned or secured in such a way to impede access or removal in the event of an emergency.
    3. Where required, all work to gas supply and fittings must only be carried out by persons who are competent to do the particular type of work being undertaken.
    4. All new installations must be installed to the current regulations and be maintained to that standard.
  11. Electrical Installations
    1. On the site there shall be installed an electricity network of adequate capacity to meet safely all reasonable demands of the Park Homes and other facilities and services within it.
    2. Each Park Home shall be provided with a safe connection into the electricity supply.
    3. Where the electrical network is being upgraded or replaced the supply of electricity provided to each Park Home shall be of a minimum capacity of 60 amps or whatever higher amount is specified in the technical specification for the individual Park Home.
    4. The electrical network installations and appliances shall be subject to regulation under current relevant legislation and must be designed, installed, tested, inspected and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the current relevant statutory requirements.
    5. Any work on electrical installations and appliances shall be carried out only by persons who are competent to do the particular type of work being undertaken, in accordance with current relevant statutory requirements.
    6. The Electrical Network shall be inspected at least every three years unless the installation is above ground, in which case there shall be an annual inspection. When an inspection takes place the installation is to be judged against current regulations, standards, codes of practice and legislative requirements.
    7. Any work on the electrical network within the site shall be done by a competent person fully conversant with the appropriate statutory requirements.
    8. A copy of the current electrical inspection report is to be submitted to the Licensing Department within 28 days of any request.
  12. Water Supply
    1. All sites shall be provided with a water supply in accordance with appropriate Water Byelaws, legislation and statutory quality standards.
    2. Each pitch on the site shall be provided with a piped water supply suitable for drinking and of sufficient quality and pressure to meet all reasonable demands of the Park Homes situated on them.
    3. All new water supplies shall be designed, installed, inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with all current legislation, regulations and relevant British or European Standards.
    4. Work on water supplied and installations shall be carried out only by persons who are qualified in the particular type of work being undertaken and in accordance with the current relevant legislation and British and/or European Standards.
    5. All new installations must meet the requirements of the current regulations and be maintained at that standard.
    6. All reasonably practicable steps shall be taken to protect water supply pipes from the risk of frost or damage however caused.
  13. Drainage, Sanitation and Washing Facilities
    1. Satisfactory provision should be made for foul and waste water drainage, either by connection to a public sewer or sewerage treatment works or by discharge to a properly constructed septic tank or cesspool approved by the Licensing Department.
    2. Each Park Home should have its own water supply and water closet. Each Park Home standing should be provided with a connection to the foul drainage system; the connection should be capable of being made air-tight when not in use.
    3. There should be provided an adequate surface water drainage system from the site, buildings, Park Home’s, carriageways, footways and paved areas.
    4. Work on drains and sewers shall be carried out only by persons who are qualified in the particular type of work being undertaken and in accordance with the current relevant legislation and British and/or European Standards.
    5. Surface water drainage shall be provided where appropriate to avoid standing pools of water.
    6. All drainage and sanitation provision shall be in accordance with current legislation and British or European Standards.
  14. Refuse Disposal and Storage
    1. Every Park Home standing should have an adequate number of suitable non-combustible refuse bins with close fitting lids or plastic bags.
    2. The licensee should implement an arrangement/scheme for the bins to be emptied regularly.
    3. Where communal refuse bins are also provided these should be of similar construction and housed within a properly constructed bin store.
    4. The site owner, together with the waste management provider will decide on the most appropriate manner of waste removal.
    5. All refuse disposal shall be in accordance with all current legislation and regulations.
  15. Communal Vehicular Parking
    1. Car parking spaces shall be provided on the park for at least one car per park home and shall be used only for the parking of cars and light vans/car derived vans in a roadworthy condition. Visitor parking shall be provided on the park in addition to residents 'parking in a ratio of not less than one further space of every five park homes.
    2. Each car parking space to be of minimum dimension 2.4 x 4.8 metres with sufficient room to enable the car to freely manoeuvre into and out of the space. The longer dimension should be extended to 6 metres where the space is entered from the side.
    3. All car parking areas shall be sufficiently levelled, consolidated and surfaced with suitable materials.
    4. Vehicles shall be parked only on the parking places provided in accordance with the conditions of this licence. There is to be no parking on site roads other than on marked bays on the side of the road. See condition 4.0 for additional provisions when parking on a pitch.
  16. Communal Recreational Space
    1. On sites where it is practical to do so, space equivalent to about one-tenth of the total site area should be allocated for recreational purposes. Unless in the local authority’s opinion there are adequate recreational facilities within close proximity to the site.
  17. Notices
    1. A suitable sign should be prominently displayed at the site entrance indicating:
      1. The name of the site
      2. Name of licence holder
      3. Address of licence holder
      4. Telephone number of licence holder
      5. Emergency contact details
    2. A copy of the site licence will be made available for inspection at a prominent place on the site.
    3. Notices and a plan should be displayed at the entrances to the site detailing the action to be taken In the event of an emergency. The notices should also give the name and location/telephone number of the site licence holder and/or his/her accredited representative. The plan should detail all roads and pitches.
    4. In a prominent place at the site the following information shall be available for inspection:
      1. A copy of the site licence.
      2. A copy of the most recent periodic electrical inspection report.
      3. A copy of the site owners certificate of public liability insurance.
      4. A copy of the fire risk assessment for the site or details of where the document can be viewed and between which times (which must be reasonable).
      5. A copy of the local flood warning system and evacuation procedures, if appropriate.
      6. A copy of the fire action notice.
      7. All notices should be suitably protected from the weather and from direct sunlight.
  18. Flooding
    1. The site owner shall establish whether the site is at risk from flooding by referring to the Environment Agency’s Flood Map.
    2. Where there is a risk from flooding the site owner shall consult the Environment Agency for advice as to the likelihood of flooding, the depths and velocities that might be expected, the availability of a warning service and on what appropriate measures to take (see paragraph 17.4.5).
  19. Fire safety – Requirement to Comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
    1. The site owner shall make available the latest version of the fire risk assessment carried out under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 for inspection by residents and when requested, a copy of the risk assessment will be made available to the local authority within 7 days.
  20. Fire safety measures to be taken where the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 does not apply (such as single unit sites and those sites solely occupied by family groups)
    1. The standards in this paragraph only apply if the site is not subject to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
      Fire Points
    2. These should be established so that no Park Home or site building is more than 30 metres from a fire point. They must be easily accessible and clearly and conspicuously marked “FIRE POINT”. The 30 metres is to be measured along the recognised site roads and footpaths, using the shortest route.
    3. The contents of the Fire Point must be clearly displayed and housed in a weatherproof structure.
    4. Access to the fire point shall not be obstructed or obscured.
      Fire Fighting Equipment
    5. Where water standpipes are provided.
      1. The water supply shall be of sufficient pressure to project a jet of water not less than 5 metres.
      2. There should also be a reel that complies with the current British standard or European standard, with a hose not less than 35 metres long, having a means of connection to a water standpipe (preferably a screw head connection) with a water supply of sufficient pressure and terminating in a small hand control nozzle.
      3. Hoses should be housed in a red box and marked “HOSE REEL”.
      4. Access to the hose shall not be obstructed or obscured.
      5. Each fire point shall be provided with water extinguishers (x2 9 litres) which comply with current British and/or European Standards.
    6. Where standpipes are not provided, but there is a water supply of sufficient pressure and flow, fire hydrants shall be installed within 100 metres of every Park Home Hardstanding.
    7. Where hydrants are provided, hydrants shall conform to the current British or European Standard.
    8. Access to hydrants and other water supplies should not be obstructed or obscured.
    9. Where standpipes are not provided or the water pressure or flow is not sufficient fire hydrants should be installed within 100 metres of every caravan standing. Hydrants should conform to British Standard 750. Access to hydrants and other water supplies should not be obstructed or obscured. Where standpipes are not provided or the water pressure or flow is not sufficient, each fire point should be provided with either water extinguishers (2 x 9 litre) or a water tank of at least 500 litres in capacity fitted with a hinged cover, 2 buckets and 1 hand pump or bucket pump.
      Fire Warning
    10. A suitable means of raising the alarm in the event of a fire should be provided at each Fire Point.
    11. The alarm sound is to be loud enough as to be heard clearly from inside all Park Homes within a 30 metre radius.
      Maintenance and Testing of Fire Fighting Equipment
    12. All alarm and firefighting equipment shall be installed, tested and maintained in working order by persons who are qualified in the particular type of work being undertaken and be available for inspection by, or on behalf of, the licensing authority or the Fire Service.
    13. Records shall be kept of all testing and remedial action taken. This must be available for inspection by, or on behalf of the Licensing Department or Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service.
    14. All equipment susceptible to frost shall be suitably protected.
    15. Fire Action Notices
      1. A clearly written and conspicuous notice should be provided and maintained at each fire point to indicate the action to be taken in case of fire and the location of the nearest telephone. This notice should include the following:
        “On discovering a fire
        1. Ensure the Park Home or site building involved is evacuated, if possible and without causing danger to life.
        2. Raise the alarm.
        3. Call the fire brigade
        4. Attack the fire, using the firefighting equipment, if safe to do so
    16. All rental homes must be fitted with suitable smoke detectors. Information on suitable detectors is available from Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service.
      Miscellaneous Fire Conditions
    17. No combustible materials or items that may act as a fire bridge to be stored between adjoining park homes or obstruct park home doors or escape routes.
    18. The site owner must ensure that the correct type of fire extinguishers contained within each Fire Point. These extinguishers must be subject to a testing regime in compliance with current standards and that suitable arrangements are made for winter periods when water extinguishers are stored outside.
    19. Long grass and vegetation shall be cut at frequent intervals when necessary to prevent it becoming a fire hazard to Park Homes, buildings and installations on the site. Any cuttings shall be removed from the vicinity of the Park Homes.
    20. The space beneath and between the Park Homes shall not be used for the storage of combustible materials.
    21. Weed killers containing oxidising agents shall not be used.
  21. Storage Spaces
    1. Where required covered storage space should be provided for each Park Home standing. The structures should be separate from the Park Homes’ they serve, and not less than 5 metres from any other Park Home. They should be capable of being locked.
    2. The site owner shall ensure that each Park Home has an approved type of personal fire extinguisher and fire blanket for domestic use and if not provided by the occupier of the Park Home, they shall supply the same on a rental or deposit basis.
    3. An approved type of personal fire extinguisher means either a 4.5 litre minimum capacity water type or a 1 kilogram minimum capacity dry power fire extinguisher fully charged and in good working order.
  22. Miscellaneous
    1. Any new works shall comply with these licence conditions.
    2. If there are any circumstances that would mean that any necessary works could not comply with these standards then that work must be approved by the licensing authority prior to commencement of the works.
    3. The Park Homes shall not be used to accommodate a greater number of persons than the number it was designed for.
  23. Disabled Persons
    1. Consideration shall be given to the needs of disabled persons using the site generally, and in particular where the provision under these conditions is required to be made for communal water points.
  24. Transitional Arrangements
    1. Existing Park Home, porch, storage space, standing etc., which would otherwise contravene these conditions but which satisfied the conditions imposed prior to the imposition of these conditions from 1 January 2017 may remain until the Park Home, porch, storage space etc. is substantially altered, rebuilt or removed from its present position. In this event the Park Home, porch, storage space etc. or any of their replacements shall fully comply with these site licence conditions.
  25. Time Limits
    1. For the purpose of Sections 8(4) and Section 9(3) of Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 (as amended), or any future enactment of those sub-sections all works required by any of the aforementioned conditions shall be completed within 6 months from the imposition of these Permanent Residential Mobile Home Site Licence Conditions (2016) or other such period which is agreed in writing with the Principal Solicitor (Licensing & Regulatory) or Council Solicitor.
    2. No Park Home is to be brought to the site, for the purpose of human habitation until such time as the Council’s Environmental Health Manager and Principal Solicitor (Licensing & Regulatory) or Council Solicitor has certified in writing that works required to be carried out on the site, under these Permanent Residential Mobile Home Site Licence Conditions (2016) have been completed to the satisfaction of the Council.
  26. Change of Occupancy by the Site Owner
    1. Should the site owner cease to be the occupier of the land he shall, within 14 days, inform the Licensing Department of the change in circumstances including the name and address of the new occupant who is entitled to be the licensee.

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024