What are land charges? - Environmental Information Request (EIR)

Bassetlaw District Council will continue to provide the service of the CON29 responses, on receipt of an appropriate fee. 

The CON29 search requests can be made using the National Land Information Services (NLIS), or, by submitting your Con29 directly to Land Charges Unit, Bassetlaw District Council, Queens Building, Potter Street, Worksop, Notts S80 2AH, or online Land.charges@bassetlaw.gov.uk

Land Charges – EIR requests

Should your EIR request relate to Land Charges CON29 enquiries, it is important that you supply a map clearly identifying the extent of the area you are enquiring about?

Information provided under EIR is raw data and may include data concerning neighbouring land.  It is your responsibility to check the data provided and decide if it is relevant or not, requests for information under EIR will be dealt with as soon as possible but may take up to 20 working days.  

You can submit your EIR request to foirequests@bassetlaw.gov.uk 

1.1 (a - i) Planning and building decisions and pending applications

Planning is available to view on our https://publicaccess.bassetlaw.gov.uk/online-applications/search.do?action=advanced

Building Control is available to view on the Council’s Open Data Website.  https://data.bassetlaw.gov.uk/building-control-register/

  • (j - l) Planning and building decisions and pending applications

Planning is available to view on our https://publicaccess.bassetlaw.gov.uk/online-applications/

Building Control is available to view on the Council’s Website of Open Data https://data.bassetlaw.gov.uk/building-control-register/

The Council is not provided with copies of completion certificates or notices issued in respect of work carried out (including works under Competent Person (self-certification) Schemes). 

1.2 Planning designations and proposals
Details can be found on our Local Development Core Strategy https://www.bassetlaw.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planning-services/planning-policy/core-strategy-and-development-policies/core-strategy-adopted-development-plan/what-is-the-core-strategy/.  Additionally, our website provides details of neighbourhood planning, including made neighbourhood plans and neighbourhood plans under preparation.

For requests relating to the following questions: 
2.1 (a) to (d) Roads and Public Rights of Way
2.2 to 2.5 Public Rights of Way
3.2 Land to be acquired for Road Works Traffic schemes
3.3 (a) to (c) Drainage Matters*
3.4 (a) to (f) Nearby Road Schemes
3.5 (a) and (b) Nearby Railway Schemes
3.6 (a) to (l) Traffic Schemes
3.7 (e) Outstanding notices - highways

This information is held by Nottinghamshire County Council.

3.1 Land required for public purposes
Please see 1.2 Planning designations and proposals.

3.7 (a - d and f) Outstanding notices
This information is not available via a public register. You will need to submit your EIR enquiry to foirequests@bassetlaw.gov.uk 

3.7 (g) Outstanding notices - flood and coastal erosion risk management
This information is held by The Environment Agency.

3.8 Contravention of building regulations
This information is not available via a public register. Please submit your EIR to foirequests@bassetlaw.gov.uk 

3.9 (a - i, k - l and n) Notices, orders, directions and proceedings under Planning Acts
Notices that have been served, made or commenced will be held either on the Local Land Register (HMLR), the Planning Register or anything relating to the  Enforcement Register Planning email foirequests@bassetlaw.gov.uk 

Please note that none of these registers will hold information with regard to notices that we have decided to issue, serve, make or commence but have not actually done so yet.  Please submit your enquiry using email foirequests@bassetlaw.gov.uk 

3.9 (j) Notices, orders, directions and proceedings under Planning Acts
For any information relating to the above question, please submit your EIR request to foirequests@bassetlaw.gov.uk 

3.9 (m) Notices, orders, directions and proceedings under Planning Acts
Where the Local Authority has made an Order and served notice on people with an interest in the land, information can be requested by submitting an EIR request to foirequests@bassetlaw.gov.uk 

3.10 (a) Community infrastructure levy (CIL)
The Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) Regulations 2014 came into force on 23 February 2014. . To find out more information about what development will be liable to CIL please visit our Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) website.  

3.10 (b - h) Community infrastructure levy (CIL)

On the 1 September 2013 the Bassetlaw District Council Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule came into effect. To find out more information about what development will be liable to CIL please visit our Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) pages.

If CIL is a requirement for an approved development this will be recorded on the Land Charges Register and disclosed to interested parties on receipt of an Official Search. This is the case for any Enforcement Actions taken in respect to the CIL.

For more information please visit our Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) pages.

3.11 (a) and (b) Conservation areas
Details of all conservation area maps, including designation dates, maps and those under review (including unimplemented resolutions to designate new conservation areas) is available on our Conservation Area website.

3.12 Compulsory purchase
This information is not available via a public register. Please submit your EIR request to EIR request 

Our response does not include other bodies such as Nottinghamshire County Council, Secretary of State and Utility Companies who have Compulsory Purchase Order powers. You are advised to contact these for further information.

3.13 Contaminated land
Information is available on our Contaminated Land public register website. You may view the contaminated land register during the normal office hours. Monday to Friday 9am until 5 pm

3.14 Radon gas
This information can be obtained from UK Health Security Agency website.

3.15 (a - b) Assets of Community Value (ACV)
Details of our register of both current and unsuccessful ACV's are available on the Councils Website



Last Updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2024